SkyView 7 now available!


Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
We've just released SkyView 7, with support for Charts and Airport Diagrams, as well as the ability to select things on the map like airports and airspace (this is really useful, especially in dense areas). With these two features, I was able to fly back from Oshkosh without a single piece of paper. Actually, that's a lie. I did have my "VFR" Oshkosh departure card printed.

There are a few other new features in this release as well. Timers, fuel tank switch reminder, ATC/FSS frequencies, and a couple of subtle but workload-reducing improvements to the Expert Autopilot controls. See the "what's new" page for all of the details.

We're still working through non-US scenarios on the charting front, so unfortunately, those won't be available at this time. As it turns out, EU governments really don't make it easy for small companies to provide data that's anywhere near affordable. We hope to have an update on that front soon. On a positive note, we've structured a deal with Seattle Avionics for US data that gets US customers all the available procedure charts (plates), FAA airport diagrams, AND the Flight Guide airport diagrams (about 5k in the US) for only $99/year. No VFR/IFR split, no hidden fees.

Also, we're trying something new by having redline versions of the core manuals available. Download the updated docs at

...and the software update to SkyView 7 at

Michael Schofield
Marketing Manager
Dynon Avionics


I love flying!
Jan 16, 2013
Just wondering when you plan to update " Download the updated docs at" to reflect 7.0?
Assume you just got busy and forgot.


Up Up and Away!
May 29, 2013
Sweden / Uppsala
Ohh thats sad, just wondering what is the problem with Europe isnt the IAIP free?

Here its on PDF files for Sweden

Here all VAC plates and more for aerodromes.
And heres contact info and freq for every tiny airstrip

Can i guess youre looking for something thats updates itself more easily into your database than manually go thrue everything every time a update occour, that could be a hassle i understand.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Dynon is proud to announce the release of firmware revision 7.0 for the SkyView platform.

This release includes:

  • Georeferenced Charts - only $99 a year!
  • Up/Down Timers
  • Fuel Timers
  • Map Selection Cursor
  • Nearest ATC/FSS
  • Approach/Departure frequencies
  • Faster Expert autopilot controls
  • Improved Synthetic Vision
  • Improved Direct-To behavior

Georeferenced charts
Dynon worked hard to give you a robust and affordable solution for charts. We partnered with Seattle Avionics and got the lowest price in the industry at only $99 a year in the USA for all your Georeferenced charts. That's airport diagrams, including over 5,000 FlightGuide diagrams, and all your approach plates, procedures, etc. Zooming, panning, and even following your plane on the center of the screen are all included.



UP/Down timers
You asked for it, and we heard you. SkyView now has powerful UP/Down timers, which are easy to configure, use, and understand. Audio alerting on expiration is standard, and so is resetting a count down timer to the last value used. You can even run separate timers on different screens if you have multiple SkyView displays. Look for the new TOOLS button on the main SkyView menu to use this feature.


Fuel tank Switch Reminder
Sure, Dynon can give you a simple countdown alert every X minutes when the engine is running, and we did. But we did more. You also have the option for an alert every X gallons used. So you can get a reminder every 4 gallons, which is really what you want when you are trying to keep your tanks balanced. An audio announcement to switch tanks is generated when this time or quantity expires. This is an independent feature of the UP/Down timer so you can use both at the same time.

Map Items Selectio with the Map Pointer
You can now use the map pointer on the map to select airports, airspaces, and just about everything else you can see. Once selected, the object highlights, and details show up in a window. This is a fast way to find airspace altitudes, or select an airport for DTO or more info. The cursor also lets you select a point on the earth and see the elevation as well as how high above it you are (or below!)


Nearest ATC/FSS
The Nearest list now includes the nearest ATC and FSS frequencies. This is in the USA only and requires the free FAA database from Dynon.


Approach/Departure frequencies
All airports now include the Approach/Departure frequencies you should use, even if they are not a primary airport that has Approach/Departure services from the local tower.

Faster Expert autopilot controls
When using the Expert autopilot, you can now just press NOSE UP or NOSE DOWN when in ALT HOLD mode, and the aircraft will switch to VS mode at your default climb or descent rate. This means you can just dial in a new altitude with the alt knob and press NOSE UP and the plane will climb, rather than needing to press VS, NOSE UP, NOSE UP, NOSE UP, NOSE UP, NOSE UP to get a 500 FPM climb.

Improved Synthetic Vision
SynVis in SkyView now draws the image all the way to the horizion, with no sharp cut off at a fixed distance. Shorelines and water are also smoothed and look much nicer.


Improved Direct-To behavior
Now if you press Direct-To (DTO) while on a flight plan, the default will always be to take you direct-to the next point on your flight plan without canceling your flight plan. Great for small diversions around weather or traffic. Another customer requested feature!

Thanks for all your suggestions and support, and we've got even more great things brewing for our next release!


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
While Sweden might have some data for free, this is not true of most European countries. Germany and the UK absolutely charge to distribute their data, and we can't afford to deal with each country individually in the volumes that we sell products at. We're working hard on providing affordable European data and do hope to have something soon.


New Member
Jun 15, 2010
I don't have any doubt you are working hard to offer european data, but fews weeks ago you made a lot of sound about V7 and new fonctionalities including european chart. So for the time being it's a big disappoitement for us.
We are waiting for a good news soon


Mar 31, 2011
Whilst it is a shame we in Europe can't have all the features yet, I for one really appreciate everything Dynon does for us SkyView operators - and for no charge.

In the UK there are two companies who produce airfield guides - Pooleys and Airplan Flight Equipment (AFE). AFE are really good people to deal with.

Have you approached them at all - if their format would work?

Installed v7 this evening and all went as advertised. Timers work well and the added airspace info block is brilliant. Now just need some nice weather to try it out :)


Jan 22, 2010
Although I have not installed and flown with 7.0, looks like far more than I was expecting. The ATC feature is excellent!, always wanted an improved Synvis and you delivered, D-> to get you back on course from a deviation? outstanding.. finally an upgrade with features I have asked for and can actually use.
Thank you for the effort and listening to the forum requests! :)


Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
Just wondering when you plan to update " Download the updated docs at" to reflect 7.0?
Assume you just got busy and forgot.

You just need to hard refresh the web page. You're probably seeing a cached version.


Apr 30, 2006
Independence, OR
Yesterday I updated to version 7.0.  It was just a few button presses and everything updated without a hitch.  I recognize that others' experiences may vary, but I'd like to thank Dynon for making my UX so good.

I don't want to sound like a total Dynon fanboy so I'll leave the raving about the new 7.0 improvements to others (but I am in total agreement <g>).

Thank you, Dynon.



Jan 22, 2010
Improved Synthetic Vision
SynVis in SkyView now draws the image all the way to the horizion, with no sharp cut off at a fixed distance. Shorelines and water are also smoothed and look much nicer.

Although the color and appearance of synvis is very nice, I noticed that my screen flickers (looks like a refresh of brighter/dimmer/brighter,etc) now. Is this just me on my new recently SB'd display or is this normal behavior. I would have noticed this in previous version, it started today when I upgraded to 7.0.


I love flying!
Nov 11, 2011
I am at an hour and a half process to D/L charts and plates to my new 16 GB USB and am wonder, do I need two USBs for two displays? I thought I saw that I do but can't find it tonight.
Is there any way to copy the second USB from the first or do I need to D/L to the second one?
I have p/$$ poor slow bandwidth where I'm at and hope thers a faster way.
Thanks for any info.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
You do need to make another USB stick for your second screen.

When it copies to the stick, that's not downloading though. It downloads in the background, and stores it on your PC. When you make your first or second stick, that's just copying from the local PC to the USB.

The reason it takes so long is that there are 30,000 files, and flash storage is slow for small files. So no matter how you copy to the sticks, it's going to take that long. This is only for the first update though, future updates only update the files that change.

If you really did download all the data in 1.5 hours, you actually have really pretty fast internet. The data is about 4GB, which 10 years ago would have taken you months to download ;)


I love flying!
Nov 11, 2011
Thanks Dynon. It was 1.5 hrs at the time I posted but now is almost 4 hrs and getting close from the looks of it.
How long do most of you take for first D/L ?


New Member
Apr 21, 2011
Probably about 4 hours. I gave up trying watch. My patience was running out. I got the thumb drive that Seattle Avionics recommended. Its about the size of a dog kibble so don't it if your dog is hungry.


New Member
Jul 3, 2011
Hello Dynon!

Update to SkyView 7 worked without Problems - You've done a great Job!
But like many other SkyView Users i'm disapointed, that there is no way to get European, in my Case German Charts, into the System.
A lot of Companys in Germany sell them for their own Software Products.
In every Case the ICAO Maps, AIP's etc. are purchased from
the DFS (Deutsche Flugsicherung) or in Case of 3D Patterns from e.g. Planet Observer.
Possibly Pocket FMS or Seattle Avionics will be able to sell this Charts and Airport Diagrams for Customers
outside the USA for use in the SkyView System.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Although the color and appearance of synvis is very nice, I noticed that my screen flickers (looks like a refresh of brighter/dimmer/brighter,etc) now. Is this just me on my new recently SB'd display or is this normal behavior. I would have noticed this in previous version, it started today when I upgraded to 7.0.

I doubt this has anything to do with the SynVis update. Does this flicker happen all the time, or only when the screen is dimmed some? Does it happen with the engine off?


Jan 22, 2010
update on screen.- Not an issue afterall
I went out and discovered that it was like this before engine start (aka- battery power) its fine when I have the power on with full brightness. I think the improved resolution just made it stand out a little more than before. Kudos to a great update to the synvis. I really never thought the resolution compared to the AFS and Garmin was very good, the 7.0 upgrade has made for a much nicer, smoother display.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
That's interesting that you had that opinion. Our resolution is much greater than Garmin and AFS's resolution, even before the update, and we drew about 5X farther out than them. They just pick really nice screenshots to demo that give the impression of higher resolution.

Did you ever see our terrain comparison with a G3X 696 or see our app note on our resolution?

696 Comparison:

App note: