Skyview EMS Warning Light (pin 29)


New Member
Nov 14, 2007
I can't find anything about this in the install paperwork. Is this pin used as per the previous product, or not implemented, or have I missed it in the manual.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2007
Adelaide, Australia
There was some confusion in the initial release however Vers B manual (EMS 220) shows the same connection as per D120 etc.

Jake J


New Member
Oct 31, 2008
South Africa
It would really be helpful if the information on warning light could be in the current Skyview installation manual. I have done installations in 3 aircraft of the previous generation EFIS and EMS products, I found the documentation thorough and clearly explained. I cannot however say the same for the Skyview. The pin 29 and warning light is one example. There is pitifully little information about the serial port hook-ups except to say that that's what they are there for, there is no or little said about audio warnings, voice or alarm warnings, or even that future software upgrades will add functionality. The Dynon GPS fuctionality and documentation is so poor, to even talk about it irritates me. Dynon should at least say what their current release allows and what GPS functionality is planned. Customers get a horrible disappointment when they find out how much money they have spent on the GPS with no navigation or database functions at this stage. Dynon have excellent products which I have highly recommended to others, this high standard creates an expectation with customers which is hard to meet when the installation documentation and functionality are of the standard supplied with the Skyview.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2007
Adelaide, Australia

Maybe I read different english down here but Revision B (you periodically check for the latest revision? ) SV install manual says - pin 29, wire color =Yellow/Green, function = Warning Light.  
Page 4-11 & 13-6 gives all the necessary audio info including mention of future firmware.

Serial ports - Serial Transponder input is mentioned as well as port 5 for the SV-Gps-250.  I'd suggest if you have other serial devices eg SL30 Nav/Com then connect it too and assign that port to the SL30.

This install manual is 160 pages - hopefully it won't get too much bigger.  Maybe Dynon should break it up into sections specifically for each device.
I don't want to flame or embarrass you but it appears you haven't RTFM.  Criticism where warranted is okay in my books but you're off the mark here. :D

Jake J


New Member
Oct 31, 2008
South Africa

That post certainly got your attention! I do however take your point. I received a package from a customer with the documentation supplied to me by my customer. I did check the site for firmware updates and I also downloaded the latest installation guide, which I did not print as I had a very recent manual in my hands. The time it would have taken to compare etc, was not worth my time, but as I have now RTFM (latest revision), I see now that it is a vastly different manual. The pin 29 (Warning Light issue is not resolved as there seems to be no set-up for it in the menus.

The latest revision of the installation guide is dated March, and the unit I am installing was shipped Feb. I do however stand by my point that the initial installation manual, was certainly not up to Dynon's high standards, the GPS functionality is also still very disappointing (Non USA users) although a few more words are now in the installation manual.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2007
Adelaide, Australia
We shouldn't dwell on the past however Dynon did advise that there is limited functionality in the initial release and more functions will be added in time - there is a list of these on the website.

Most manufacturers release products to the market too early IMO as they probably want to 1. get a headstart on their competitors, 2. need to have a cash flow generated by sales, and (this is the one that really bugs me - not applicable to Dynon) 3. release early and the customer does their R&D.

HTH ;)

Jake J


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
It's on the pinouts on pages 6-7 and 6-7 of rev b of the manual, but not the appendix in the back. It will be implemented in one of our next firmware releases. For now, you can connect it using the same installation methods as in our D10/D100 (download one of those manuals) series of products.


Sorry to bring up this EMS Warning light again but could someone give me an idea how this could be used in the furture? I understand the concept of a warning light I just don't know what it would be applied to on the SV panel. Is it a single function warning lite or can/will it be used to indicate warnings on multiple functions of the EMS. In the latest install manual I see it talks about a warning lite for the heated pitot but nothing specific to pin 29. I also looked in the D100 manual to see how I could connect it using the install methods as in the D100 (as stated by Dynon Support) but only found it applicable to the heated pitot also. I won't be using a heated pitot, so if that's all it will be used for I can forget about, but if it has other warning capabilities I'd like to set it up for the future. Confused



Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2007
Adelaide, Australia

AS I understand it the warning light feature isn't enabled yet however I'd connect one for later - it is generally used to indicate any 'alarm' conditions but not Pitot warn.

Pitot - a separate light can be connected, as per instructions, or use one of the contacts to show it on the EMS side of SV or D series.


Jake J


thanks for the comments, I understand it isn't enabled yet but I would like to what to connect it to for the future. Does anyone know how it was used in the D100's?



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
It connects to a light that goes on your panel somewhere. This light turns on and flashes when an EMS reading goes into the red. It then stays on or goes out when you ack the warning, depending on your settings.

It's really no different then the way the MSG button works in SkyView, you can just make it a huge light on your panel if you so wish. And this behavior is the same as it was on the D120.

It has nothing to do with the pitot. That is just an example of an input to the EMS that can be displayed on the screen. This is an output.

FYI, this function will be enabled in the 2.5 software which is due out very shortly.

Page 4-5 of the D120 install manual talks about the warning light, which will be the same hardware connection on SkyView.


thanks guys, that helped, I looked in the D100 manuals on-line before I asked the question but I obviously didn't look good enough. :-[
