Skyview frequency display without Dynon Com radio


RV9-A, O-320, Dual Dynon Skyview, ADSB
Jul 13, 2015
Doylestown, Pa
Wanted to know if there is a configuration setting to display the com frequencies on the PFD from an active flight plan without having a Dynon com radio installed?

If not it would be a great feature to show nearest airport if not on an active flight plan or next waypoint if on a flight plan directly on the PFD so you can manually tune without having to press a few buttons to get to the info pages.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
I don't think this is a feature even in SkyView with a radio, but I'm not 100% sure. Can you describe what you'd like to see a bit better?

Where on the PFD do you suggest this data be shown?
Which frequencies? Tower, ATIS, GND, APPR? What if there are two TWRs?


Wanted to know if there is a configuration setting to display the com frequencies on the PFD from an active flight plan without having a Dynon com radio installed?

If not it would be a great feature to show nearest airport if not on an active flight plan or next waypoint if on a flight plan directly on the PFD so you can manually tune without having to press a few buttons to get to the info pages.
That is a great suggestion.  Especially for those of us still using manually tuned VHF's.

Would be super if both the "nearest" and "flight plan" modes could be selected by user preference.

Thanks. :cool:


Active Member
Mar 3, 2008
Where on the PFD do you suggest this data be shown?

How about exactly the same way it is displayed when a Dynon comm radio is connected:



RV9-A, O-320, Dual Dynon Skyview, ADSB
Jul 13, 2015
Doylestown, Pa
The banner at the top of the PFD screen shows the dynon COM frequencies if you have a Dynon radio installed for a selected airport. If you have a third party radio the banner does not appear at all from what I can gather from the manuals. I would like to see the same space utilized regardless of what radio is utilized. Have the dynon do a gps lookup of the nearest airport and display the relevant frequencies if you do not have a flight plan activated. If a flight plan and waypoints are active, and those waypoints are airports use those as a first priority.

I'm sure there is much more thought needed concerning conflicts and display priorities and user defined configuration to make this work. It could be simple or complex logic.

think of this to simply automate what a pilot would do if they were doing flight following and wanted to contact and/or monitor approaches or towers along the route. have the top bar display that automatically based upon gps location as an option.


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2010
I don't have a Dynon comm, and SV won't talk back to my GNS430W (only to my SL40) to "push" frequencies (and the SL40 is #2 comm, so I haven't even bothered to hook it up to SV yet), but I urge a bit of caution here from a man-machine interface point of view...

the items in the top bar area are, to date, *status* indicators...A/P servos, mode, XPDR code, etc. This would change them to *information* fields for *some* elements.

It seems to me it breaks a paradigm a bit...maybe not much, but I think it's important to not just start arbitrarily filling fields with data without understanding and reasoning about the *type* of data that is or should be display there.

I may be totally wrong, but I'm just thinking out loud here, and since I don't have a Dynon comm, I don't know the details, but aren't the frequencies that are shown on the SV the ones that are actually active and backup on the comm itself?

Anyway, just thinking...feel free to correct me if I'm wrong (it won't be the first time LOL!)


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
As Steve and Tom say:

The bar on top is the frequency you have the radio tuned to. It's not automatic in any way. You spin in 123.456 and it tells you that is KABC ATIS. It isn't telling you the frequency for KABC unless you already have it tuned.

We can do this using the Dynon radio, or a 3rd party radio we can talk to, like the SL-40, Trig, or Icom. We can't talk to the 430 because Garmin doesn't allow that radio to be talked to, not because we don't want to. The point of this is you tune a frequency, and SkyView helps you verify that it's what you think it is.

Now, the Dynon radio has quick ways to tune, where you can say you are going to KABC via a variety of methods, and then just press the ATIS, ATC, TWR, or GND button and tune quickly.

An automated method would break in many, many situations. For instance, Seattle is covered with airports and you are often closer to some small airport underneath you than the one you are actually landing at. The Dynon radio has a NRST function where you can scroll through all the closest airports and at 10 miles out from my home airport, there can be 4-5 other airports that are closer from most directions. Plus, I need ATIS first, Approach second, and then tower, so even if it's my next flight plan leg, that can be an issue too.

Happy to consider it if someone has some logic that is likely to work in most situations.

Note that if you press NRST, pick the airport you want, then INFO, the tower frequency is right on that page.


Murray M.
Dec 26, 2009
Saskatoon SK CAN
The GPS495 automatically pushes a number of airport frequencies to radios that work that way. It pushes the DTO (or flight plan) frequencies but also seems to push the nearest airport frequencies which is handy to get the AWOS as you're flying by. When you start up the nearest airport is the one your sitting at which also is handy. It's still not automatic. On the GTR200 I have to scroll through the list of airports and then the list of frequencies to choose the one I want. If it's not automatically pushed to the radio I can pick the airport on the GPS495 and manually push the frequency I want similar to SV. I can only push one frequency as compared to the entire airport that SV pushes. As mentioned above, the NRST button also works well for finding something close by.

I agree with Steve W. in that the information along the top of the display should reflect current status of the equipment rather than disconnected informational data.

Either way it's a giant leap from reaching back for the CFS or A/FD to find the frequency. Even dialing in a displayed frequency is a pain compared to selecting it from a list. I do prefer the nearest airports being pushed to the radio and one of the reasons I stayed with the equipment I have.


I don't have a Dynon comm, and SV won't talk back to my GNS430W (only to my SL40) to "push" frequencies (and the SL40 is #2 comm, so I haven't even bothered to hook it up to SV yet), but I urge a bit of caution here from a man-machine interface point of view...

the items in the top bar area are, to date, *status* indicators...A/P servos, mode, XPDR code, etc.  This would change them to *information* fields for *some* elements.

It seems to me it breaks a paradigm a bit...maybe not much, but I think it's important to not just start arbitrarily filling fields with data without understanding and reasoning about the *type* of data that is or should be display there.

I may be totally wrong, but I'm just thinking out loud here, and since I don't have a Dynon comm, I don't know the details, but aren't the frequencies that are shown on the SV the ones that are actually active and backup on the comm itself?

Anyway, just thinking...feel free to correct me if I'm wrong (it won't be the first time LOL!)
I think you make a very good point there.


New Member
May 1, 2010
Chelles France
Hello Dynon
i change my old radio 25khz with a radio trig 91
Î'll see That I could pair thé trig with my skyview Touch
Where I Could find a shema to do this ?
Thanks for tour help.


New Member
Oct 4, 2009
Brisbane, Australia

You can download the trig91 manual from trig website.
TY91 pin 5 rs232 input (RX) >> skyview serial TX
TY91 pin 6 rs232 output (TX)>> skyview serial RX

Skyview has 5 serial ports, use any spare port ( 5 is for gps )
look at install guide page 4-14 gives you and example of installing an garmin SL30

look at page 16-6 for skyview db37 pinouts.

example using skview serial port 2
TY91 pin 5 rs232 input (RX) >> skyview serial TX pin 6
TY91 pin 6 rs232 input (TX) >> skyview serial RX pin 5


New Member
May 1, 2010
Chelles France
I connect today my dynon as suggested to the Trig Radio
unfortunately nothing change :-[ about the frequency.
I think something is wrong because on port 3, I see the TX increasing, no RX ,and the errors grow up :mad:
any idea ;)


Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
If you used the pins Jamie described above (SkyView pins 5/6), you should have configured serial port 2, not 3, to the Trig radio.


New Member
May 1, 2010
Chelles France
Hello Dynon
I connect the TY91  pin 5 to the skyview serial 2 yellow violet rx
and the trig pin 6 to the skyview serial 2 yellow orange.
my questions
is it normal that the RX stay at 0
what dies it mean the errors grow up
is there something to activate in the skyview
join the screenshoot....
thanks for your help


  • screenshot-FJROP-SN21798-13_0_3_3233-20150921-125453-270-en_US.png
    101.7 KB · Views: 235


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2007
Adelaide, Australia
IF you wired as described then the wires are reversed

Trig pin 5 goes to SV Yellow/Orange
Trig pin 6 goes to SV Yellow/Violet

Jake J


Do not write below this line
Jan 24, 2015
The TX of one unit needs to be connected to the RX of the other.

Two wires for serial...
Skyview -> Radio
TX -> RX
RX -> TX


New Member
May 1, 2010
Chelles France
Thank's I did that and it's working ;)
In fact no completly
I see on the skyview on the top bar the frequencies: active and stand ,by but when I try to transfer the frequencie from the info page from an airfield with the Tune Com button nothing append  ::)
what I make wrong ?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
To display frequencies FROM the COM radio ON the SkyView display requires:
COM radio serial TX connected to SkyView serial RX
This is the part that IS working.

To push frequencies from SkyView TO the COM radio requires:
SkyView serial TX connected to COM radio serial RX
This is the part that's NOT working.

Thank's I did that and it's working ;)
In fact no completly
I see on the skyview on the top bar the frequencies: active and stand ,by but when I try to transfer the frequencie from the info page from an airfield with the Tune Com button nothing append  ::)
what I make wrong ?