As Steve and Tom say:
The bar on top is the frequency you have the radio tuned to. It's not automatic in any way. You spin in 123.456 and it tells you that is KABC ATIS. It isn't telling you the frequency for KABC unless you already have it tuned.
We can do this using the Dynon radio, or a 3rd party radio we can talk to, like the SL-40, Trig, or Icom. We can't talk to the 430 because Garmin doesn't allow that radio to be talked to, not because we don't want to. The point of this is you tune a frequency, and SkyView helps you verify that it's what you think it is.
Now, the Dynon radio has quick ways to tune, where you can say you are going to KABC via a variety of methods, and then just press the ATIS, ATC, TWR, or GND button and tune quickly.
An automated method would break in many, many situations. For instance, Seattle is covered with airports and you are often closer to some small airport underneath you than the one you are actually landing at. The Dynon radio has a NRST function where you can scroll through all the closest airports and at 10 miles out from my home airport, there can be 4-5 other airports that are closer from most directions. Plus, I need ATIS first, Approach second, and then tower, so even if it's my next flight plan leg, that can be an issue too.
Happy to consider it if someone has some logic that is likely to work in most situations.
Note that if you press NRST, pick the airport you want, then INFO, the tower frequency is right on that page.