Skyview HSI and GPS Garmin AERA 500


I love flying!
Oct 2, 2015

My problem is that I need to have the GSP aera 500 as primary GPS signal and if its sets in serial port setting as aj POS1 and the Skyveiw POS2 the HSI wont displayed the narrow from the aera 500 only the Skyview GPS narrow.

When I set the aera 500 as an GPS1 and skyview POS1 the primary source of the GPS signal is from the Skyview but now I can see both signals on HSI Skyview yellow narrow nad aera 500 purple.

So my question is hot to configure the settings to have an aera 5OO as primary GPS and to be able see both signal on HSI indicator?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
We really don't recommend the Aera as your primary GPS as it's update rate will be 1HZ instead of 5Hz like the Dynon GPS.

However, if you really want to do that, you just need to change the Dynon GPS to be POS 2 while the Aera is GPS 1. SkyView uses devices in this order: POS 1, GPS 1, GPS 2, GPS 3, GPS 4, POS 2, POS 3, POS 4.