Starter Engaged "Light"


I love flying!<br />
Mar 5, 2016
I would like to have my SV provide an indication of when the starter motor is engaged.  I am considering running pin 31 to the starter contactor output post (this is the post that becomes hot when the starter button is pushed down and the contactor closes and electrifies the starter motor)

Is this a reasonable idea???



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
I'd probably use pin 2, which is the second "high voltage" input just because it is generally unused. But you can use any of the GP inputs. They won't be damaged, but they won't read higher than 5V.

Can we ask why you want to monitor this? Just always interested in how our systems are being used and if there's a something new we should be considering.


Oct 12, 2011
Locust, NC
It is possible for the starter relay to stick and continue to power the starter after the engine is started. Unless caught before flight, damage to the starter will occur. A number of certified aircraft have such an indicator light on the panel.


I had initially planned to monitor this myself using a discrete annunciation, but in the end didn't install it with my SkyView installation. I probably will at the end of Phase 1, so homebuiilt101 is not alone in wanting to keep an eye on it. ;)


I love flying!<br />
Mar 5, 2016
Thanks for asking...I wish I could tap into all of the other questions asked so that I can hear what other questions I should be asking!?!?!?

Great minds think alike!!!

When driving a pusher it is especially important because a grenaded starter is bad news...


I love flying!<br />
Mar 5, 2016
I am trying to set up pin 20 the orange and brown wire to be my starter engage indication on the Skyview EMS display however the indication shows engaged weather I have the starter push button pushed in or not so if somebody could help walk me through the sensor setup it would be greatly appreciated.

I have mapped out that PIN to be a contact /contact with the name starter.

In the sensor setup page I have selected:

Range 1 to enable, the name to be engd, the color to white, the top to 5.0 volts, and the bottom to 2.5 volts.

In range 2 enable yes, no name, color black, top 2.5 volts, bottom 0.0 volts

The trouble is that the engaged Annunciation in white displays all of the time whether or not I have pushed my starter push button. I have checked my starter contactor I lead and it is cold when the starter is not engaged and hot when the starter is engaged so the ship's wiring is fine. For some reason I cannot seem to figure out how to map out the pin correctly.

Can somebody please give me some advice? Thanks in advance!


I love flying!
Jun 21, 2014
Just another thought regarding this. If you are trying to determine if the starter relay sticks you need to connect your contact input on the big wire between the relay and the starter (load side or contactor). If you are connecting this to the control / coil wires it will only show if the key switch / start button somehow sticks (unlikely). So by connecting this to the Load side of the starter relay it will be at buss voltage any time power is present at the starter motor. The low winding resistance un-engerized will pull down the contact input. But i still recommend you add the diode to isolate.
Depending on the starter model it may be possible to have the starter gear remain engaged with no power applied. This will still damage the starter motor and not show indication on SV.