SV + D6 audio


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2010
I have a Skyview and a D-6 as backup EFIS. At this point, the only thing left (I HOPE) to wire up is the audio alerts into my Garmin GMA-340 audio panel.

I see that the D-6 needs a 10K pot in-line.

I'd like to wire both systems up *now*, and use a mini-toggle switch to choose which device is sending alerts to the audio panel. That way, I can wire them all up, and just use the D-6 until SV enables audio alerts (or if the SV fails, and I have to use the backup EFIS).

Can you at least tell me if the SV will require a similar setup with a pot as the D6? Or will it go straight in to the audio panel external input lines?

It would make life a lot easier down the road if I don't ahve to abuse my aging body any more than necessary to crawl up under the panel and lay arched over that d**ned spar on the RV-7A :), especially after all the sticks, flap motor, etc., is intalled. I'd like to wire it NOW...

Can you give us any info here?




Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Here's the current draft text of the next manual manual revision on this topic. Nothing to complicated here:

Dynon recommends that SkyView’s audio outputs be connected to an unmuted input on your audio panel or intercom. When connected this way, critical audio alerts are not muted by ATC transmissions or other audio events that could cause SkyView’s audio to be suppressed if it were connected to a muting input.

SkyView’s audio output is not designed to drive an aviation headset directly. It should be connected to an unmuted auxiliary input on an audio panel or intercom.

The audio outputs on pins 13 and 31 (left and right, respectively) of the display’s D37 connector can drive audio panel or intercom auxiliary inputs. Use left and right audio outputs for stereo mode. If your audio panel or intercom only supports mono input, short the left and right audio outputs together and connect them to the mono input on the device. Note that a ground connection between equipment is necessary also (audio ground is pin 30 on the D37).
If there is more than one display on a SkyView network and you want to connect the displays’ audio outputs to the same audio panel input for redundancy, electrically short the respective left and right outputs together for stereo mode (i.e., left-to-left and right-to-right) or connect all audio outputs together for mono mode. The same rule applies for audio grounds.
Audio output volume will be controlled via the interface on a SkyView display, so no external components are required.


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2010
Perfect! Thank you for the info...I will go ahead and wire everything up w/ a switch to select the EFIS source now.

Thanks for the quick response!



New Member
Aug 1, 2008
If my Skyview is already grounded on my firewall "forest of tabs" along with intercom grounded the same, is it necessary to further ground Pin 30?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Basically, you want the SkyView display well-grounded to the intercom. For reasons that I won't get into here, if SkyView is grounded and the intercom is grounded, even to the same place, but they're grounded through their own independent ground wires only, then you'll likely get noise. So connecting a ground from the intercom to a ground at SkyView will prevent such noise. And actually, if they're both bolted to the panel, as long as you don't have paint blocking the ground connection to the cases, that will suffice as a common ground too.