tacho not working on jabiru


New Member
Nov 23, 2007
Hi all

  hope you can help i have just built and run for the first time a jabiru J 430 with the 6 cyl
engine but i cannot get the rev counter to work i have wired it up as per the rotax
wiring with the 30k resistor as there is no mention of the jabiru.
also the carb temp is reading -12 and i cannot see how to adjust this like you can with the OAT

 your  hopfully


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Jabiru uses a totally different way to connect the tachometer. This is on page 3-6 of the latest D180 install guide.

You can grab the latest install guide here:
http://www.dynonavionics.com/downloads/Install_Guides/FlightDEK-D180 Installation Guide.pdf

Here's what it says:
The most common tachometer pickoff location for Jabiru 2200 and 3300 engines is one of the alternator wires. Connect one of the two white alternator wires through a 1 amp fuse to the RPM Left input on the FlightDEK-D180. Jabiru also sells a standard tachometer transducer, whose output can be connected – with no protection – as described on the previous page.

As for Carb temp, that sounds like an install issue or a setup issue. First thing to check is the "type" that the sensor is set on, then check the wiring. There is no adjust like the OAT for the carb sensor. If it's off, there's a problem somehere.


New Member
Nov 23, 2007
thanx very much for that info it looks like i have got the carb sensor wired wrong
and i will re wire the tacho and let you know how i go

once agian a big thanx :cool:


New Member
Nov 23, 2007
hello again

   I have re wired the rev counter like it says in the latest instructions but still no joy so I wired it to the altenator wire
and still it does not work I set the pul\rev from .5 to 8.0 but no joy

I also re wired the carb temp sensor and set it to the black and white wire but now it reads 37 degres

hope you can help    kurt


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
If you have the sensor with black/white wires, you should NOT have any resistor installed, or the 5V line connected. One wire comes to a GP input, the other to ground. Also, on the EMS, check that your sensor type is set to type 3, and that you've set up the correct GP input as carb air temp.

The Rotax wiring will not work for the Jabiru. Our newer installation manuals, available at http://www.dynonavionics.com/docs/support_documentation.html , include instructions or connection to the Jabiru. Essentially, you'll tap into one of the alternator wires.