Three 10" touch screens.... or a Garmin GTN?


I love flying!
Jan 17, 2012
I'm considering two options:

1) Three 10" skyviews, fully integrated COM and XPDR from Dynon.

2) Two 10" skyviews, GTN750.

I prefer the idea of (1) but notice that most people seem to go for (2). I wonder if anyone can help me assemble the pros & cons?


New Member
Dec 8, 2012
Richmond Hill, GA
They are entiry different panels.  What is your mission VFR or IFR?  If VFR, I wouldn't be looking at any GTN.  If IFR, I couldn't get myself to part with the extra $ for a 750. 

I have no idea of the size plane this panel is in, but here is my take on screens.  I love gadgets just like everyone else, but 3 10" screens..?  I currently fly behind one SV 10" and a 430.  I fly IFR without issue with the single screen (have a D6 backup with backup batteries in both).  I would prefer a second screen to dedicate to mapping/charts/plates and will definitely install 2 in the RV-10 I'm building, but I can't see what the 3rd is used for sitting in front of the passenger..?  I recently saw a gorgeous, 3-screen panel, but it left no room for independent backup AI.  I guess you can say multiple ADAHRS is the backup, but I prefer a separate unit. 

As far as IFR navigator, with some of Dynon's recent upgrades adding to GNS/GTN integration, I use my 430 very little during flight - initially loading a flight plan and loading an approach is about it.  For me the 750 doesn't get me enough for the increased cost.  That said - and it has been a while since I looked - I believe both can support remote comm 2, but only 750 supports remote comm panel..?


Active Member
Aug 22, 2007
If you plan on flying IFR at any point, then there is only one answer, two SkyView displays and a GTN. Get the Dynon radio for comm #2 and the SkyView GPS for nav #2.

No reason to get the GTN750 over the GTN650 as the SkyView provides a far superior display over both and with the Dynon ARINC module all the GTN generated flight plans and approaches get displayed on the SkyView.

If you never want to fly IFR, having just the two SkyView displays is more than adequate.



I love flying!
Apr 28, 2014
Wichita, KS
Or better yet, get three Skyview screens and a 650/430W: best of all worlds. And they fit in an RV-10. Your passenger can have their own screen set up how they like and you still have plenty of screen space for maps and synthetic vision. With Skyview, the big 750 is a wa$te in all cases IMHO.


I love flying!
Jan 5, 2013
Tampa Fl
I wish Dynon had a Nav/GPS system I would gladly sell my expensive/proprietary GTN-650 and almost $1000 annual data base cost and go all Dynon not to mention the system would probably be much simpler to use. I have already had an issue where Garmin blamed Dynon when in reality Garmin mispoke demonstrating they did not understand the complexity of their own product/software interfacing with other 3rd party products via tech support. :)


New Member
Dec 8, 2012
Richmond Hill, GA
I wish Dynon had a Nav/GPS system I would gladly sell my expensive/proprietary GTN-650 and almost $1000 annual data base cost and go all Dynon not to mention the system would probably be much simpler to use. I have already had an issue where Garmin blamed Dynon when in reality Garmin mispoke demonstrating they did not understand the complexity of their own product/software interfacing with other 3rd party products via tech support. :)

Whoa - $1000..???? I pay $350/$375ish for my 430. Not sure what all is available, but I only do the monthly database updates.