Three D100 Installation questions


New Member
Jun 25, 2008
1. I have a Flight Design CTSW and I'm installing the D100 in the left panel. On this airplane, that panel is angled about 8 degrees away from perpendicular to the yaw axis of the airplane. Is that acceptable or do I have to fabricate a mounting that eliminates the 8 degree angle?

2. If I wish to use keepalive power for the D100, should it have it's own breaker?

3. What's the best location for the remote magnetic compass?


New Member
Jun 7, 2007
I can answer 1 and 3 I'm not using keep alive but I'd fuse it somewhere. You can adjust for the tilt of the panel through button settings on the D100. I've put the magnetometer back in the empanage in an area that will be covered by a fiberglass fairing. I've also mounted the OAT sensor on a bulkhead under the same fairing.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
1. Our installation instructions require that the unit be facing in the direction of flight, so that 8 degree tilt isn't ideal. The attitude performance will be slightly affected. Flight Design's own testing showed that the difference with barely, if at all noticeable. I believe that all installations that year ended up with that tilt in the panel. You'll need to get in touch with them for more information about this issue.

2. Yes. Remember, breakers/fuses protect wires from lighting up if you short it. Essentially, any power wire should be protected against shorting to ground somehow.

3. Generally the rear fuselage or the wing / wingtip works well for most airplanes. Keep it away from ferrous metal and power. And also, ask Flight Design what their current recommendations are.

Finally, note that you do need explicit permission from the manufacturer of an SLSA to make changes to the airplane. This permission should be obtainable as our products are already used in the CT, but make sure you keep your airplane airworthy.


New Member
Jun 25, 2008
Thanks for getting back to me. I'll wire the keepalive line to a spare breaker. I may have to rewire one upstream so that it bypasses the main breaker.

I'll live with the 8 degree yaw and see how things work.

I've been through the approval process before with my com-transponder-gps installation and I've been in touch with FD on this modification. It won't be a problem.