Transponder failure?


I love flying!
Dec 11, 2015
I have a Vans RV-12 SLSA delivered in July 2014 with an SV-261-TXP and Touch 10" screen.

Last few flights I began getting continuous intermittent caution aural alerts well as screen cautions mostly related to the transponder.
Even though the transponder changed from ground to air and received interrogations normally it would change to Standby, IDT, and red X and then cycle through them again.
Today I flew near an Approach control and asked them for a squawk code and to give me a report on my transponder and they confirmed altitude and transponder return seemed normal.
I did receive Transponder Failure Cautions as well as Position Lost/GPS fail a couple of times as well as ADSB out failed although I'm pretty certain my position was accurate as per the SkyView screen and ADSB seemed to be working normally albeit the screen would frequently switch from ADSB-OK to TIS-OK and ADSBS No Radar fairly often.

Just trying to get an idea what the problem might be and where to start looking if anyone can help?

I've tried calling Dynon Tech Support a couple of times but they were either busy or closed for the holidays and so I'll try again in the New Year.

I believe the SV-261-TXP is a Trig unit and has a 3 year warranty? If so I have about another 6 months on this one.

Thanks for any help!


Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
So from the description, it sounds like the transponder might be restarting, or its data connection to SkyView might be intermittent. So the first thing to check are all of those connection points. The next place that might shed some light would be the alert logs, which export with the user data log export option within the setup menu. But beyond that, we may want to get a diagnostic log to better hone in on what the system is seeing, since it sounds like there are multiple things going on, possibly in quick succession. If you haven't already gotten in touch with our technical support team, that's the way to go with this one, because it does have some complexity.


I love flying!
Dec 11, 2015
Avionics shop at home field found a loose connection and did a certification check.

I flew it today and it began having the same issues...aural caution, transponder failure warning, IDT, STBY, red X with increasing intensity.

The avionics shop is in the process of contacting Dynon for repair/replacement under warranty. They're a Dynon dealer.
Unit is an SV-XPNDR-261 which I believe is a Trig TR22.


I love flying!
Dec 11, 2015

Unit was sent to southeast avionics dealer a few weeks ago and they can't figure out the problem. They wanted to send it to atria in Scotland but they're supposed to be sending it back to me.

I contacted the Trig dealership for USA in Wichita and I'm trying to get some info from them before sending unit to them for repair/replacement. I think it only has a 2 year warranty.
Guy I spoke to said it sounded like it was going through a self-test constantly but also said they are pretty much sealed units so not likely to be opened up repaired and returned.

Totally frustrating experience and I've been without a transponder for weeks and have no idea even what the problem is.


Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
So although the transponder is a Trig, we do provide a 3 year warranty on them. And although you can deal with Trig directly, we can also be of help here. Give our support team a call at 425-402-0433 or support at dynonavionics dot com and we'll help you directly.


I love flying!
Dec 11, 2015

Apparently the unit wasn't sent out to Wichita as I was told. After talking with a Dynon Tech Support again my avionics guy discovered that one if the connections had a broken pin that wasn't detected at first look.

I flew the airplane and everything seems to back to normal. Yea!