Troubleshooting SL30/HS34 problem


New Member
Nov 9, 2006
I just finished a panel upgrade resulting in an SL-30, HS34, and D-100. It is very nice. My compliments to Dynon.

The only problem I have encountered is a NAV flag on the HSI when tuned to a VOR. The HSI works great when the SL-30 is tuned to a localizer or when using the GPS. The SL-30 is receiving the VOR signal, but the HSI is not. Everything else seems normal.

I haven't disassembled my cabin yet to crawl under the panel (RV6) so I am contemplating my plan for toubleshooting the problem. My best theory is that the HS34 Tx serial connection to the SL-30 Rx is faulty. The localizer works fine, so the other serial connection must be OK. Also, the subject serial connection is not shielded, could this be a problem?




Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The only thing that goes over the HS34 TX to SL-30 RX line is the OBS setting. If this line isn't there (or even if it is), you should be able to set the OBS with the OBS knob on the SL-30. As you do this, the OBS on the HSI display should change.

The easiest thing to check with an SL-30 is if the currently tuned frequency is showing up on the HSI page. If it is, the RX connection from the SL-30 is fine, and something else is up. Not sure what that would be. What exactly is the problem that you are seeing?


New Member
Nov 9, 2006
Thanks for the prompt response.

The problem is when the SL30 is tuned to a VOR, the HSI is flagged and there is no indication on the CDI needle. When tuned to a localizer everything works as it should. I haven't tried the GS yet.

The SL30 installation manual states: "If serial OBS data is not received at a minimum of 1Hz rate, the NAV unit will flag." This statement is the reason I thought it might be the HS34 Tx to SL30 Rx connection.

I am over my head here, so any suggestions are appreciated.



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
You should not set the SL-30 OBS source to "Serial." Set it to "none." We only send out the OBS when it changes, not once per second. The SL-30 allows this when set to "none," which is admittedly a bad description of what it is doing.

This is probably your problem, since the SL-30 flags the source as bad if it doesn't get the update once per second when set to serial.


New Member
Nov 9, 2006
Problem solved! Setting the SL30 to "none" for the indicator type fixed the problem. I had the SL30 setup for a "serial" connection to the HS34. That made sense to me. I must have missed something in the manuals.

It works beautifully now.

Thanks again for the excellent support.

Ken Harrill