Using an iPad as a repeater screen for the HDX?


Active Member
Aug 22, 2007
For those of us flying with a GIB, has anyone come up with a way to repeat the SkyView HDX display onto the GIB‘s iPad? I know the SkyView WiFi will provide GPS data to Foreflight on an iPad, but I want to repeat the entire display.


The RV8 Pilot
Nov 1, 2015
Following, my GIB would also like this. BTW at OSH I had a older gentleman wearing a WWII hat ask what GIB stood for, I said Girl in Back, my wife piped up and said Gorgeous in Back, he quickly replied "I thought it was Great in Bed" and winked at my wife and strolled off. Well played Sir...Well played!

YouTube: The RV8 Pilot


New Member
Aug 19, 2020
I'd like to display the moving map on an iPad using SkyView WiFi but it doesn't appear to be possible.


Jul 22, 2019
I am very happy with using FlyQ as a moving map, ads-b in traffic and weather using the hdx wifi information. The ability to have an iPad as an HDX screen content duplicator would be very interesting!!


New Member
May 29, 2022
I don't mean to hijack the thread but I have a related question. I have an HDX and also use an iPad with FlyQ connected via wifi. I have a Bad Elf GPS plugged into the iPad. Is the ipad using the HDX position/altitude data or the portable GPS?


New Member
Aug 17, 2022
I recently upgraded to a newer Garmin GPS and made the switch from FlyQ to Garmin Pilot. I really miss some aspects of FlyQ,
but Garmin Pilot allows me to use the ADSB weather and traffic from my existing GDL 39R and the interface with the Garmin navigator displays
the flight plan and updates it real time with any changes made. If wanted, the flight plan can be modified from the iPad and pushed into the GPS navigator. Other than the engine monitoring, this set-up covers most of what we could want.


Active Member
May 7, 2006
For those of us flying with a GIB, has anyone come up with a way to repeat the SkyView HDX display onto the GIB‘s iPad? I know the SkyView WiFi will provide GPS data to Foreflight on an iPad, but I want to repeat the entire display.

Something like this? These take the WiFi streaming data from SkyView and just need power.



New Member
Sep 22, 2008
Central Florida
For those of us flying with a GIB, has anyone come up with a way to repeat the SkyView HDX display onto the GIB‘s iPad? I know the SkyView WiFi will provide GPS data to Foreflight on an iPad, but I want to repeat the entire display.

I would like to see Dynon come up with an app similar to the IFD100 app for Avidyne for the iPad, where it is an extension of the actual Skyview unit. Would be a great addition in the rear seat of a 4-place plane.

Has anyone suggested this to Dynon at OSH or SnF? Curious as to whether or not it's being discussed.

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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2009
Would much rather see it on Android, which has a much higher market share than Apple.

Having said that however, app development would be a new area Dynon does not, to my knowledge, currently occupy. That means increased costs, which equates to higher prices. There's been all kinds of suggestions as to additional hardware, features or services Dynon could add, and many of them are quite good. But they all entail added cost, and Dynon necessarily has to weigh the prospect of added cost against the prospect of added revenue that any change might create. I wouldn't want increased prices as a result. There are other advantages besides price, to Dynon being a small company compared to other avionics manufacturers. So, as much as I'd like to see some added features, hardware, or services, I try to keep in mind the advantages of Dynon staying relatively small, or at least growing only in small, measured steps. Doesn't mean we can't keep pitching ideas of course. They probably appreciate that, and I have ideas of my own. I guess I'm saying this because some people in the past have acted as if Dynon is dropping the ball by not rushing headlong to adopt new stuff, and I disagree with that sentiment. Not saying that's what's happening here. Just making a point.

By the way, isn't there a dedicated thread somewhere about suggesting added features?


Active Member
May 7, 2006
In my experience, Dynon does listen. I am sure they have an internal database of suggested features that they review and prioritize.

The ADSB-472 device for example, was introduced to address the shortcomings of the ADSB-470. I recall lobbying hard for them to support ship-to-ship traffic detection of Mode S/ES traffic, for flights outside of ADS-B ground coverage.

I also beat the drum to get streaming data via WiFi, which they introduced. It only took me a week to incorporate this into my instruments (see backseat display, above).

They also copied (my rather trivial) SV-Network hub hardware years ago. I'm glad they did.

I have also spent a lot of time on the phone helping them track down obscure software bugs.

Try doing this with brand G!

On the down side, I have been disappointed that the SV does not support the uAvionix tailBeaconX. I understand why. My solution was to develop a new low cost control head for the TBX, that connects to the SV to get altitude data. Problem solved, and it's nice to have a separate device for transponder operations (note: I did have a SV fail in flight once, and lost transponder control).

So, I am happy with how Dynon listens... but I miss Ian Jordan.


New Member
Mar 14, 2023
New here, sorry if this is already posted somewhere and I suck at search.

I just read Garmin can now send the airspeed and baro altitude instead of just GPS data so a GIB could have iPad or tablet on the seat back with actual airspeed. Has any headway been made with Dynon in this area?

So re-reading vlittle post above it looks like it can be done but not to an app yet?

I am already all in Skyview HDX, it's sitting on the shelf about to start the installation (Super Cub clone). I can always look over the GIF shoulder (girl in front) and see the AS but having it on the thin seatback would be nice too.



Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2009
No headway has been made on an app, because Dynon isn't working on an app. Or at least, they haven't indicated they are, and I seriously doubt they are. Airspeed data can indeed be exported via wifi, as vlittle noted, but using it elsewhere is dependent on the device or app receiving the data. Dynon has no control over that, and I'm not aware of any third parties working toward anything like that. Apps for iPads are even more constrained by the tight control Apple maintains over iOS app development. It helps with stability, but severely hampers development, much like FAA certification hampers GA aircraft development. If you want to read an airspeed indicator in the rear cockpit, you're likely limited to another Skyview, a different hardware solution entirely, or implementing what vlittle displayed, a homebrewed solution.
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Apr 30, 2006
Independence, OR
A long time ago, my partner (hello, Peter!) and I produced an Android app, SkyView Assist, that could have provided what the OP requested. My intent was to unload the engine monitor from the SkyView screen and increase the utility of the map and PFD. My partner was ready to implement flight instruments next (although I was satisfied with only engine instruments).

However, the Bluetooth connection to the SkyView parameters was problematic -- it worked but was hard for most users to implement and made for fragile code. It also required a wired connection to an often non-existent spare serial port. Dynon said the data might be available via WiFi (TCP/IP) ... someday ... maybe.

I realize WiFi is available now but it didn't happen soon enough for us and we have moved on to other things. Still, I think about it occasionally and think it might be a good project for when my partner and/or I have time on my hands (ha!).


New Member
Mar 14, 2023
A long time ago, my partner (hello, Peter!) and I produced an Android app, SkyView Assist, that could have provided what the OP requested. My intent was to unload the engine monitor from the SkyView screen and increase the utility of the map and PFD. My partner was ready to implement flight instruments next (although I was satisfied with only engine instruments).

However, the Bluetooth connection to the SkyView parameters was problematic -- it worked but was hard for most users to implement and made for fragile code. It also required a wired connection to an often non-existent spare serial port. Dynon said the data might be available via WiFi (TCP/IP) ... someday ... maybe.

I realize WiFi is available now but it didn't happen soon enough for us and we have moved on to other things. Still, I think about it occasionally and think it might be a good project for when my partner and/or I have time on my hands (ha!).
That would be great.. but yes - ha.. spare time.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2009
I personally would do something like what vlittle posted, which if memory serves, is an arduino based solution. But I have a technical background that not everyone shares, so that wouldn't be a solution for everyone. Alternatively, I'd consider something like a Uavionix AV-20, or an MGL Blaze mini EFIS. Both are around $900.


New Member
Mar 14, 2023
I personally would do something like what vlittle posted, which if memory serves, is an arduino based solution. But I have a technical background that not everyone shares, so that wouldn't be a solution for everyone. Alternatively, I'd consider something like a Uavionix AV-20, or an MGL Blaze mini EFIS. Both are around $900.
thanks I will check those out also.


Oct 6, 2020
All good stuff here. However, it is hard seeing Garmin constantly updating their software (smart glide, for example) and nothing new coming from Dynon. Take the glide range as example, Dynon uses a simple circle, not considering wind direction. Every app calculates the right ring. Even Advanced, Dynon's child, have it for ages. Why not to simply "borrow" the code?

Still on Advanced, take a look at their new updated display and software. Good stuff there to decrease pilot's stress.

I sincerely wished Dynon and Advanced could partnered better with their software developments.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2009


Oct 6, 2020
That is not correct. Dynon's glide ring is offset for the calculated winds at the aircraft's altitude. See the first screenshot in this post below. Note the offset glide ring and the winds on the PFD. But Dynon's glide ring does not take into account the terrain, as does ForeFlight for example, as also shown in that post.

You are right. I meant terrain consideration, not wind. But, again, Advanced has it right. Why not to use the same calculation at least?