V 5.0


New Member
Oct 12, 2006
I installed V 5.0 today and went flying. (Brand T autopilot)  Just a short hop.  

Setting the Alt alerter with the value knob is spot on!  But I thought the alerter was going to be upgraded to give 1000 and 200 ft warnings when approaching the selected alt. :(  Am I missing something?

Doug Rozendaal
F1 EVO D-100, HS-34


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
We'd mentioned that it would receive discussion, but we don't currently have plans to change the way the alerter works.


New Member
Oct 12, 2006
One of the important functions of an alt alerter is to ALERT MDA or DH. Again those of us who are climbing and descending in excess of 1500 FPM and descending for long periods of times from 15, 16, or 17K feet to 4000 feet, a warning would be useful.

The industry standard (I believe, Kevin Horton would be the expert) in this is a "C" chord 1000 ft prior and 200 feet prior and then again if a 200 ft deviation occurs.

My recollection is that one of the earlier software versions had a warning. we lost that when we got the HSI software.

I don't care about the "C" chord, but a 1000 & 200 ft warning would be really nice.



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Just to be clear - there is an altitude alerter that should still be working the same as it has in past firmware versions, and it's active whenever the altitude bug is on. The only thing that it doesn't have are configurable thresholds. From the manual:

Toggling the altitude bug on activates the altitude alerter function with the bug value as the target altitude. While climbing or descending toward the target altitude a level-off alert sounds when passing through 500 feet from the target altitude. The target altitude is considered captured when altitude is within 150 feet of the target. Flying more than 200 feet away from the target triggers a short audio alert and alternates the bug in red and yellow as a visual alert. When below the 200-foot window, a rising tone is sounded; when above the 200-foot window, a descending tone is sounded.
EFIS Operation
The visual climb or descend alert clears after recapturing the target altitude or 30 seconds. Flying back inside the 150-foot capture window re-arms the alerter without any user interaction.


New Member
Oct 12, 2006
Now we are making progress. As for the manual, who reads that ;). That is the beauty of your machine, I dont need to! ;D

I have my D100 set to voice and I get a "climb" or "descend" warning when I deviate from the bugged alt. but no alert when approaching it. I will switch to tone and see if that helps.

Any other ideas?

Doug Rozendaal


New Member
Nov 10, 2005

Is it possible to have the tone function active for the altitude alerter while having the voice alerts selected for everything else? It appears that the voice alerter for altitude does make the 500' announcement. Also, is it possible to turn off the altitude bug from the HS34 or does it require a menu selection?


Roger Johnson
LongEZ N34JR


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
I have my D100 set to voice and I get a "climb" or "descend" warning when I deviate from the bugged alt. but no alert when approaching it. I will switch to tone and see if that helps.

This may be a bug. We're looking into it. If you set your audio out to EXT TONES under the audio menu, do you get the level-off tone as you cross within 500 feet of the altitude bug?

Is it possible to have the tone function active for the altitude alerter while having the voice alerts selected for everything else?

Not directly, but sort of, if you don't have the Autopilot. There are discreet voice/tone switches for AOA and everything else in the EFIS. if you're not flying the Autopilot, everything else is basically the Autopilot. So

Also, is it possible to turn off the altitude bug from the HS34 or does it require a menu selection?

It can't be turned off from the HS34. But, if you have the Autopilot, when you disengage altitude hold mode, the bug goes away as well (to eliminate nuisance alarms).


New Member
Oct 12, 2006
I get nothing from the alerter except a climb or descend command when I depart the bugged alt. I complained about this in the last version as well. I believe I tried this in the tone mode, but I am not positive.
