VNAV indication questions


I love flying!
Aug 25, 2016
Hello Carl,

From your brief description of the circumstances it's difficult to deduce the root of your problem wth the VFR VNAV feature.

I would ask you to telephone me directly, so I could ask you some real time questions and troubleshoot more deeply.  It seems you are in the UK.  We are in the PST time zone, currently UTC-8.  Best time for a call would be 4:00p or later UTC time most week days, starting next Monday, as I am out the reamainder of this week for a national holiday.  Please phone our main number 425-402-0433 and ask for Kirk Kleinholz, Sales Manager, Dynon.


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2010
I had the same issue:approaching the runway at about 10-12 meters to the right. On ground there was an offset but it was around 2 meters-not more. So, I don't think that we are dealing with a "misplaced" runway or threshold.

I have always had this issue, I havent flown enough with v15 to see if that was resolved. I ended up making a user point right on the runway threshold (I literally got on the threshold and used the LAT/LONG on that spot to create the user point. Has lined me up everytime since, if I fly the D-> to airport it takes me off course everytime.
I'll give the direct to runway a try in next couple of days and see if it aligns correctly. Will advise

Could this be a result of going Direct To an *airport*, where the system is going direct to the surveyed airport location (oftentimes not on or even near a runway, just somewhere on the field)? I believe it's referenced on charts (Jepp? NOAA?) as ARP (Airport Reference Point)?