What CAN you do with autopilot and no certifiedGPS


I love flying!
Jan 17, 2012
I've already bought all the gear, but aircraft not finished yet. I'm a bit puzzled what i can and cannot do with the Autopilot and GPS.

I have: Skyview, 2020 GPS, WIFI, AP-Panel, Autopilot Servos.

I intend to send flight plans to the system from WIFI from SkyDemon on the iPad.

Ideally it would be great if the autopilot could do vertical navigation - but i'm confused whether this is possible at all with this setup?

Seems a bit crazy having to have a $15,000 GPS just to do this.


Active Member
Nov 10, 2008
Gods Country - west Texas
It is a little crazy, but you'll need a "certified" receiver to give vertical navigation information to the autopilot and have it follow that. This goes for both ILS and GPS VNAV.

Without a certified receiver, I believe you can still see it on the screen, but the autopilot won't couple to it, you would have to hand-fly it.


I love flying!
Mar 2, 2013
If i purchase the 2020 GPS that is ADSB approved and leave the orginal GPS in as well, will the autopilot capture vnav,I am aware it is not legal for IFR.


I love flying!
Jan 17, 2012
This does seem a bit mad.

What are the cheapest/smallest products that can do this, say a VNAV approach profile? I don't want a full on integrated com/xpd/garmin box.


Active Member
Nov 10, 2008
Gods Country - west Texas
I installed the ARINC-429 interface in mine and put a Garmin 430W in the panel connected to the ARINC box, that will allow me to couple the autopilot to the VNAV coming from the certified Garmin receiver. You'll need some form of certified GPS receiver that will output to the ARINC device to be able to do this. Dynon may or may not be working on a certified receiver themselves, we've asked for it repeatedly but in typical Dynon fashion they won't say anything until a product is ready for market.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005

The SV-GPS-2020 is a high integrity GPS receiver designed to satisfy the requirements for a high integrity GPS receiver as part of the FAA's 2020 ADS-B Out mandate. The SV-GPS-2020 is NOT a "Certified GPS" legal, or functional, for IFR.

I think what's confusing a lot of folks is that IF you ALREADY have a "Certified GPS" (for IFR), you can ALSO use that GPS as a high integrity position source as part of the FAA's 2020 ADS-B Out mandate in a SkyView system (connecting a serial output directly to the SV-XPNDR-261). But the reverse is NOT true - you cannot use the SV-GPS-2020 / SkyView as a "Certified GPS" for IFR.

If you are looking for an "Certified GPS" for IFR, but don't want to invest in a 430W or GTN 650, etc. you might want to check out the Avidyne IFD540 and IFD440.

If i purchase the 2020 GPS that is ADSB approved and leave the orginal GPS in as well, will the autopilot capture vnav,I am aware it is not legal for IFR.


New Member
Sep 18, 2010
someone said that it was crazy to have to buy a Garmin or avidyne panel box just to get vnav. These boxes are incredible complicated, and go thru extensive fault procedures while driving you down an ILS or especially a WAAS LVP approach. Dynon would be crazy to try to put the money into the development of one of these capable devices. They are expensive, but are a low volume item. I am amazed at what my GTN 750 does in flight.


Active Member
Nov 10, 2008
Gods Country - west Texas
someone said that it was crazy to have to buy a Garmin or avidyne panel box just to get vnav. These boxes are incredible complicated, and go thru extensive fault procedures while driving you down an ILS or especially a WAAS LVP approach. Dynon would be crazy to try to put the money into the development of one of these capable devices. They are expensive, but are a low volume item. I am amazed at what my GTN 750 does in flight.

I can't disagree entirely, though I would love to see some competition in the market. I was quite happy being able to link the 430W to my autopilot via the Dynon Airinc box, and it does give me a fully capable IFR receiver that is immune to a software problem in the Dynon. Developing a certified receiver is a HUGE hill to climb, and the rewards are questionable since the pricetag would likely be close to what the current boxes are, in order to recover the R&D costs. The sales numbers might not support that effort over the long term.


I love flying!
Jan 17, 2012
As a new customer coming to Dynon, my expectation is that nothing is certified, that's why the price is so compelling.

It therefore just strikes me as inconsistent why we can't have all the same functionality as the certified gear :)

The one question I haven't managed to gain an answer to yet is about a flight plan having different levels at different waypoints. Apparently the advanced avionics screens can do this.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
I believe we answered you in another thread. We do not currently have plans for enroute VNAV in SkyView's flight plans. Maybe someday, but you shouldn't buy based on that possibility.