What Databases Do I Need... Advice PLEASE


I love flying!<br />
Mar 5, 2016
I am getting close to first start up of a dual Dynon SV-1000 and a GTN-650.

Since I will be flying IFR only in the US can someone please give me some advice on what Databases I need?

Where do I get them?

What is the most economical source?

THANKS for the answers to the newbie questions.!!!

:D :D :D


New Member
Sep 18, 2010
I have a single Skyview that is driven by a Garmin GTN750 which is the same as the 650 except for screen size. My install is more than 2 yrs old.
No need to comment on the dynon databases. I do have the Seattle Avionics charts and IFR VFR maps. Those work well, especially for IFR. Those charts are backed up with Foreflight charting and mapping for redundancy.
The Garmin is a little more complicated because of $$$$.
A full house of databases thru either Jeppesen or Garmin would cost me in the neighgorhood $1200 a year.
I am using Jeppesen nav database east of the Mississippi. I do not pay for the approach plates for the garmin. I also do not stay current on SafeTaxi. You have that on Foreflight if you need taxi help. Terrain and obsticles do not change change much so I do not up date them either. You already have the terrain and obsticles on your EFIS thru Dynon. All for free so far, thru dynon. this approach for me brings my Garmin subscription down below $400 per year.and foreflight, of course for $99 per year.
I cannot comment on Garmins subscription, as I did the comparison some years ago.
You will enjoy the wonderful performance of the combination of your new garmin and the skyview autopilot. Full authority and performance on LPV RNAV approaches. :D


Active Member
Mar 3, 2008
To be LEGAL, you will need whatever database your certificated IFR navigation equipment requires. You can not legally use SkyView as your primary IFR navigation source, even with the Seattle Avionics charts/maps.

FWIW: I use the Garmin US database for my G430W (this makes me IFR legal). The DYNON free databases for moving maps on my displays. The free FltPlanGo app on my Android tablet for approach plated, low level IFR maps and ADS-B weather (from SkyView). This brings my total cost to just under $300.00/year with some incredible situation awareness while in actual IMC. YMMV.



Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2010
I believe the Garmin bundle price is around 600-700 for a GTN, and that includes navigation, obstacle, terrain, whatever else is in a GTN.

I have the 430W and the bundle from Garmin is 450 for nav, obstacle, and terrain data.

I believe the $1200 you cite is quite a bit higher than what Garmin is charging, unless I missed something (I'm no fan of big G, but at least we can get the databases directly from them now instead of paying Jepp's over-inflated prices, which were considerably worse).