
New Member
Mar 2, 2010
Zaon is wired correctly.  Checked once, twice, thrice, and again a fourth time.  I even changed the physical connection to another serial channel, Serial Port 4 (blue wire with violet stripe) RX channel, on the SV-1000.

Yes, Zaon is set to "Garmin".  Traffic comes up on the Garmin 496, so that tells me that it's talking.


New Member
Mar 2, 2010
I have to add that having "TCAS" is particularly useful in my area since our private airpark is surrounded by MOAs and Restricted airspace. We often get MH-60s and F/A-18s conducting low passes around us and having TCAS is not just a nice-to-have tool. The "lawn-darts" move fast :eek: and if I have a second to react, it's enough time to make a dive with the quick response of my RV6. :cool:

Thanks again.


Murray M.
Dec 26, 2009
Saskatoon SK CAN
What's the odds of two RX wires in the SV harness connected wrong?!? :-? I see you asked the question, but did you check the harness to see that the wires are actually connected to the proper pin on the D37? That would be the only thing left to check.


New Member
Mar 2, 2010
No, I have not gone that route, not expecting there to be a QA issue with the wiring harness.

However, with three separate pieces of hardware:
...all three unable to integrate with the SV-1000, I am beginning suspect the wiring harness. The SV-1000 was sent back for some warranty work, but it passed the FAT prior to shipping back to me.

Note: Since the manual reads that I shouldn't expect any HSI until an actual fix from the SL-30, I'm going on the premise that it does work. :-?


New Member
Mar 2, 2010

Conducted a continuity check on circuit #9 of the SV-1000 harness, also known as the blue wire with the violet stripe for Serial Input Channel #4 and it comes up good. Re-installed and powered up everything. The little icon indicating a failure of traffic warning still lights up, I get one (1) input on the RX side when looking at incoming data streams, and a couple group errors. :D

The ONLY adjustments I can make are to the Zaon by selecting screen type (GARMIN...check), altitude and horizontal distance.

The Zaon works, this I know, because it is providing target information on the GPS-496.

I'm open for suggestions...and no, don't ask if I've got it set on GARMIN or if it's plugged in or if turned on. So far, for over 4 months, I've gotten no where. Yes, I can look over at the 496 if the hair on the back of my neck stands up and I feel the need for an extensive scan, but I would like to see the SV work the way it's supposed to, as an integrated tool along with my other flight-safety features that I've installed.

I re-emphasize, I'm dodging F/A-18s and SH-60s out where I live...not playing chicken with Cessnas and Pipers.

Frustrated in Florida...



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
So if the "rx counter" isn't continuously incrementing, SkyView isn't seeing ANY data from the Zaon, good or bad. There just aren't any bits getting to the display. That means that either:

1) The Zaon's TX wire isn't making it all the way back to the right pin on the connector. Bad wire, bad connector, faulty harness (it's rare, but it's happened).
2) The Zaon's and SkyView's ground reference aren't the same. This nominally isn't an issue if they're both connected to the same ship's power source. Just the same, running a dedicated ground wired between the Zaon and the SkyView can only help.
3) There's something up with SkyView's serial ports. The serial ports are particularly robust - I don't know that we've ever seen one actually fail in the field. So this is pretty unlikely, though of course anything's possible.


New Member
Mar 2, 2010
Hold the presses!

Are you saying that if I connect the Zaon XRX (TX wire) to Serial Port 4 (RX), the TX counter in the SV-1000 will advance?  Wouldn't the TX in the SV-1000 account for signals it is transmitting OUT?  :-?

According to Document 101320[ch8208]006, Revision G, page 16-6, Table 53, the Serial Port 4 RX is the Blue with Violet stripe wire for pin #9.  For the Zaon XRX, there is no RX FROM the SV-1000, thereby not requiring any TX character outputs.

Yes, common ground for both units.

The wiring harness from the Zaon is operational, as it is transmitting to the GPS-496.

I know this is not rocket science, but I'm not getting anywhere with this issue.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Sorry, I meant RX counter, not TX counter. Fixed above.

You might try running a ground wire directly between the display and the XRX. Beyond that, do you have things hooked up to other serial ports that are working correctly? Also, you're running one of our more recent versions of software? 3.3 just came out yesterday, fyi (no serial fixes there, though there are no known issues either).


New Member
Mar 2, 2010
WHEW! You had me worried for a moment there. Thanks for clarifying. :eek:

Actually, the ONLY thing working on any serial port, as advertised, that's integrated with the SV-1000 is the Dynon GPS. Neither the Garmin SL-30, nor the Garmin 496 Nav info shows up.

My main concern is traffic avoidance for now. I'll get to those others later.


New Member
Mar 2, 2010
Software updated to 3.3. I powered up the unit, then powered up the Zaon and the top-down GPS map view continues to "x" over the bogey symbol and indicate "fail".

I've checked continuity of the wire from the point where I am butt-splicing the Zaon wire to the SV wire harness (blue wire with violet stripe) and on to the #9 pin for the Serial port #4 RX (from Zaon to SV).

I've configured the "Traffic" menu to show all contacts, but to no avail.

To re-cap, I am getting bogey info on my GPS-496, but not to the SV.

Is there a particular setting for distance and vertical separation that should be set on the Zaon?

Thanks for your contiued support.



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Can you take a picture of your display with the map page up?

Also, again, if your RX counter for the serial port you have configured isn't incrementing continuously, SkyView isn't seeing bits of ANY kind. The RX counter is kind of a raw counter. It doesn't even screen for the correct XRX data. If there's serial data coming in at the same baud rate as configured for that serial port, it should be continuously incrementing.


New Member
Mar 2, 2010
No need for another screen shot.

BLUF (bottom line up front): System suffered catastrophic failure the day after software upgrade (ver 3.3) upon first boot-up Tuesday evening, March 13, 2012 when about to launch for an evening of watching the FL sun setting over the Gulf of Mexico. Called Tech Support.

Steve from Dynon Tech Support called me back and we determined that something happened during the first catastrophic failure in the early Fall of '11 that was never fixed. He made the executive decision to send a new unit.

New unit arrived on Thursday afternoon and in 15 minutes, was up and running, with the files saved by Steve at Tech Support to upload my engine gauge settings (THANKS STEVE!). Within 30 seconds, all systems were up, including the ZAON, the SL-30 AND the GPS-496.

Conclusion: After chasing wires, pin-in/pin-out channels, menu options and waiting 24-hours for responses on this forum over a 4.5 month period...I could have come to a faster resolution on THIS problem, by picking up the dang phone.

Although my 5-day trip to OK from FL was delayed by 2 days due to the aforementioned, I did go and the flight was a success with all systems working as advertised.

Dynon, NOW I really like your product! :cool: :)

I'm looking forward to the gradual upgrades and eventually (when the Blue Mountain b/u EFIS and A/P dies) getting the A/P servos.

Again...THANK YOU, Steve!


Murray M.
Dec 26, 2009
Saskatoon SK CAN
I had my ZAON modified to come on with power (tip from this forum) and mounted it on the back deck of my Glasair. It's connected to my Skyview and GPS495 so I don't need to see the ZAON display. I'm having trouble with the serial connection. I tried a normal wire for the single ZAON TX (blue wire) and when that didn't work I tried a shielded wire. It doesn't seem to work either. The distance is about ten or twelve feet but serial should go a lot farther than that. I have a GPS on the deck of my house connected to a computer with 30+ feet of wire. There I used CAT 5 cable but it's just a serial connection plus power and ground.

Any suggestions for a long connection between Skyview and the ZAON? The ZAON worked well last year on the deck over the panel with no extensions to the bare wire harness.


Murray M.
Dec 26, 2009
Saskatoon SK CAN
Success - sort of. I contacted ZAON. They advised:
If you are extending the data wire, you must also extend the ground wire.
Without it, the data will not work properly.
I did get it working but I probably should have used a little more patience then elaborate testing. The shielded wire I used was a two wire shielded pair normally used for headsets. I got the idea from P-Mags. They insist on using shielded wire for the serial connection to the P-Mags because of all the wild signals going on the engine side of the firewall. I had only used the one wire for the data wire for the ZAON. The shielding was grounded at the back ground bar as was the GND for the ZAON. I took ZAON's advice used the second wire for the ZAON GND wire and grounded it at the front on the same GND bar as Skyview. Initially it appear to NOT work - rats. I did the continuity checks. A couple hours of meticulous testing indicated that the data wire was continuous from the Skyview D37 to the ZAON D9 connection. The GND wire showed continuity to everything I assumed was connected to GND.

Having little success getting a data stream on the Skyview I put it aside and was fiddling with VP-X with my headset on. I turned off the ZAON (via VP-X) and Skyview said "TRAFFIC UNAVAILABLE". Now how did it know that :-? It must also know when traffic was available :) Turns out that ZAON is slow to initially send data and doesn't send a lot. So if you're checking the RX counter on Skyview give ZAON some time to start sending serial data.

Soooo. I don't know what made the ZAON work. Single wire? Shielded single wire? Shielded data/GND pair? I suggest using a shielded (or twisted) wire pair and ground the ZAON GND near the Skyview GND. Then use some patience in your testing. Give the ZAON plenty of time (> minute) to start sending data. :cool: