Zero pressure airspeed calibration.


I love flying!
Apr 13, 2012
Hi again,
I have some of the setup figured out but other things are not.
I need to have the aircraft in a hangar, with doors shut. Then I power up the Skyview 1000. Go to SETUP MENU> HARDWARE CALIBRATION> ADAHRS CALIBRATION> ZERO PRESSURE AIRSPEED CALIBRASION. If this is right so far, what do I do next, To get zero airspeed on the ground?
Thanks for any help


Active Member
Oct 17, 2008
You should not need to do this unless you have a problem. The unit comes calibrated from the factory. The Zero Airspeed Calibration procedure you reference is used to solve a problem. If your system operates correctly, you will likely never have to do this. Of the 6 systems I have helped install, only one needed this and it was obvious. You may wish to contact Dynon tech support and tell them why you believe you need to do this to see if they agree or offer other advice.


I love flying!
Apr 13, 2012
Thanks Skysailor, Yesterday I brought up 6 pack and noticed the airspeed pointer read 40 knots. This was with the airplane in the hangar.
I havn't calibrated the ADAHRS, or the AOA/Pitot yet. Could that be the problem? I'm kinda lost on these calibration methods. All the help will be appreciated.
Thanks, Elmer


Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
Is it just the pointer, or does the number in the middle show a non-zero number as well? If it's just the pointer, be aware that as of today's software, the needle sits at the lowest IAS number when at rest, which is 40 in kph and 20 when in mph or knots. This will be changed in the next update so that the needle clearly reads off-scale when below the minimum reading. So if it's just the needle, but the digital value is zero, then that's expected behavior and I'd also make sure your distance speed units are in knots, like it sounds like you want it to be, and not kph (which is kilometers), which would jive with the above explanation (SETUP > SYSTEM SETUP > MEASUREMENT UNITS > DISTANCES & SPEEDS)

However, if the digital number is ALSO reading 40 of anything (kts/mph/kph), then I'd ensure that there's no pressure on the pitot/static system (disconnect the plumbing from the ADAHRS if you can, just to make sure, or apply some light pressure on the pitot and static to make sure they're responsive and not obstructed), and then perform the zero airspeed calibration.


I love flying!
Apr 13, 2012
Thank you for the help. I just got back from the airport. In checking the speed on the 6 pack, I found the problem. The gauge on the 6 pack showed the needle ponting to the lowest number on the gauge at 40. Then I went in and made a few changes in (zero airspeed calibation) and went back to the 6 pack display. Now it reads 20 being the lowest and the needle points to the 20. The 6 pack gauge not showing zero causes a lot of problems. Can it be fixed to zero? I'm sure glad it wasn't the Pitot tube plugged up.
Thanks again, Elmer


I love flying!
Apr 13, 2012
One other thing. I went back to the standard display and it showed zero MPH so it must be the 6 pack gauge not going all the way to zero.


Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
Currently the lowest you can get the needle on the six-pack page version is the lowest non-zero number. In our next software release, we'll be updating this to look more like an "actual" analog gauge where top center is actually off the scale.