Hi there, I'm interested in a Dynon system for my new Gyro ELA 10 Eclipse. I'm wanting to ensure the system also covers fuel flow. Can someone recommend a system to me to install?
wondering how you got the measurements to be exact at bottom center of panel? trying to build mine for the e-35, and am thinking that I will have to wait til I take the old panel out? did you? the part where it connects to center column section
Don, same problem,different plane. Been working with Jeff Fox. let him know if you have any luck. My Long EZ shows "UP" even in calm level flight then pitches up..
No. I kept the Mini X. 2016 quote from GRT - It does work with Autopilot(NMEA0183) with the caveat that it will not transfer cross track error (XTE). This requires us to send Dynon a couple different NMEA0183 messages (GPBOD or GPAPB) that we don't currently send, or Dynon to use our GPRMB and GPRMC messages that we send under Autopilot (NMEA0183)'.My email for more info RLREDMAN@BIGPOND.COM
Updated all my Dynon equipment to firmware 5.6.1 for an RV-6. After reconfiguring, I recalibrated the AP74 servos, roll and pitch. Then tried to perform servo test. The test failed becuz the airspeed is not at zero. Can't find how to zero calibrate the airspeed on the D180. Any ideas? Thanks, Tom
Hi Lee,
I note that you posted back in March regarding an issue relating to configuration of your Guardian CO Monitor. Did you ever get it resolved? If so, can you provide any guidance? I'm having a very similar issue where my 353D-101 displays 165ppm when in fresh air.
Peter McBain
Australian RV-9A Builder