Recent content by djones

  1. djones

    Prop RZpm

    This one seems to be going nowhere, locking it down. I invite the OP to contact support directly at
  2. djones

    ADSB Partial Issue

    ADSB Partial means we do not have the "status" message (our tail number in the data) from a ground station. We used to fail down to "Partial" if even one of the stations we were receiving wasn't sending the status message. We recently did an update that would show ADSB-OK if at least one of...
  3. djones

    912is / Dynon ems 221

    The widgets that are being displayed are looking at the the physical EMS pins associated with them and those pins are correctly NOT configured. C37_PXX represents the pin number. You will need to remove all of the widgets that are looking at physical EMS pins and install the CAN counterparts...
  4. djones

    "No Compatible files found in the main folder" - Can not update maps

    Most times we see this issue, it is because there is already one thumb drive plugged into the system (charts is the usual culprit) and the system will not recognize the second thumb drive plugged in.
  5. djones

    Auto power down (or not...)

    The airspeed is the clue as to what is wrong with it. It is showing airspeed and right at the fine line where the system will prevent the auto shut down thinking it's flying. To correct, go to the setup menus, go to HARDWARE CALIBRATION > ADAHRS CALIBRATION > ZERO PRESSURE IAS / AOA...
  6. djones

    Stumped with ADAHRS Failures

    If any of you with this going on want to do a little experimenting, contact me through the email. I am trying to find out what's going on with these and have a file to load to see if it resolves the problem.
  7. djones

    HDX Classic mix

    That is correct, as of release of 16.7.0 software on classics, only maintenence releases will be done and the ability to exist in a system with HDX running newer SW than that is forever broken.
  8. djones

    Version 16.7 software released

    So, this is not a bug as such. It was actually something that changed in twin versions of software. I am correcting the documentation, But the line in the file needs to read canopy_warn_rpm_v16=XXXX
  9. djones

    What is the better IFR navigator to interface with Dynon HDX?

    This requires a pair of RS232 from the screen be connected to the Avidyne. The connection and setup is discussed in the Third Party install manual.
  10. djones

    What is the better IFR navigator to interface with Dynon HDX?

    Also, you can send frequencies from HDX to the IFD via a serial port connection. Not so on Garmin stuff.
  11. djones

    Traffic monitoring not visible on the second display

    Correct, Ethernet does not have anything to do with this. This is all serial port wiring between the adsb module and both screens.
  12. djones

    Guide for creating custom sensor definitions This is the direct link to the article in the help center. The help center is a work in progress and is part of our support ticketing system. I currently have a push underway to put more...
  13. djones

    SYSEVENT 20, HDX screen shut down during instrument approach

    Karl, Sent you an email directly to your yahoo address. Let us know if you didn't receive it. Thanks
  14. djones

    Problem with getting my autopilot to show up on my HDX display

    To add what others have said, once both servo's are on the network, the autopilot will not be available until the servo's are calibrated in SETUP MENUS > HARDWARE CALIBRATION > AP SERVO CALIBRATION
  15. djones

    AOA calibration warning

    Bruce, I have engineering looking into this and they would like to get diagnostic files from your system.