Hi Dynon At Sun n Fun this year I was told at the Dynon stand Horsham Aviation were handling the buy back upgrade for Skyview to HDX. On return to Australia I contacted Horsham Avionics and they said its coming. Any idea of a time frame I'd like to upgrade to a HDX from my Skyview Touch. At...
I continue to solve the problem of %power and fuel flow. Are the two related in the Skyview Touch? I had the unit returned to Dynon as there was a problem with it powering up and displaying two Xs. It was supposed to be fixed, still does it every time I power up. I’m in Australia and it was well...
Seems odd but have an intermittent problem with the EFIS displaying %power and fuel flow. Nothing I do with the display fixes it. The Dynon is earthed to a forest of tabs on the firewall and rest of the EFIS is working fine. This unit was returned to Seattle in January this year as something...
I don't have trim and flaps connected. They are not the issue. I'm trying to do fuel calibrations. Filled the tanks 5 litres at a time three times now and still no joy. The widgets are showing calc but are greyed out. Have been shaking the wing in case the resistive sensor is stuck but the same...
Hi All
On my RV 9 flap and trim are not connected to the EMS and are greyed out on the T1000. My concern is whilst doing the fuel calculation the two tank level indicators on the screen are greyed out. Both sensors are connected. I've tried to do fuel quantities using Hardware Calibrations/EMS/...
Thanks reivaitor. I did go to Network Status EMS and it was showing SV Network Connection fault Data 1 pair(pins 1&6). I powered down and removed the network cable as I built it. Checked it for continuity all OK. I then swapped it to the top 9 pin port on the SV display and the other cable...
Tried re-loading 15.0.2, display says all is alright. EMS is highlighted in yellow and I assume that indicates a problem will try updating EMS file 4/8/2015
I'll try reloading the update. I think I read it right when all I need to up date is 15.0.2, not the EMS file of 8/4/2015. The EMS was working great, I didn't up date the ems, only the 15.0.2.
I'm new to Skyview, have touch 1000 and just did the update 15.0.2. I used Method 2 (Australia). Not flying yet but have an EMS fail and the dreaded red X. I did the right click and loaded the Dynon USB with Skyview touch and then engine sensor definitions with "save as". Couldn't see how to...
Just trying to find out how to wire a light bulb to the oil pressure switch. If in the unlikely failure of the Sky View I would like to have an indicator light to confirm oil pressure.
I already have the pressure switch wired to the EMS. Is it possible to also wire a light bulb to the same...
Is it OK to remove the unused wires from the 37 pin connector? I'm sure I have read somewhere you can but can,t find the reference now. I have about 15 unused pins.
Thanks Peter