If I were to guess I would expect e few kohm resistance between the two wires, without the need to measure anything else but the resistance between the two wires on the small connector that goes into the ADAHRS. That also would mean that besides unplugging the small connector you wouldn't have...
The temperature sensor is just a temperature sensitive resistor, to there is no polarity involved in the sensing. If you are just getting dashes then that seems to indicate that the measurement is out of range. That could result if either the two wires are shorted at some point or if one of the...
The term "EFIS Format 2" and "GAMA Format 2" appear under the heading Garmin settings . So these you probably would have to search in the Garmin setup. Although I don't have a Garmin 6XX/7XX, a similar issue appears in the Garmin 430
I understand that the idea is redundancy, when one of the Dynon displays completely fails the other can perform all the functions of the 'primary' one including WiFi interactions
Looking at the FAST TRACK trays, it looks like a very nice and clean solution. I only have transponder and ADSB receiver (no Dynon COM) and I mounted these two in my plane under the seats, now the coax cable from each to the bottom mounted antennae are only a single coax loop of maybe a length...
The Dynon 800 & 1000 displays supports a fuel system where fuel run back into a talk using two red-cubes. If the 180 doesn't support a differential fuel measurements (I am not familiar) then you are out of luck the red-cubes just output a digital signal where the number of reported pulses is an...
Tach time measures the number engine revolutions normalized to the cruise RPM and reports time. Meaning: tach time will report one hour of tach time if you run the engine for one hour with an average rpm of the specified cruise RPM. I you do a one hour runup on the ground with a (presumably...
Still once the servo's are lost from the configuration the Dynon system doesn't know anything anymore about any servo's and will never give you a warning anymore. So if at any point the system was reconfigured without working servo's then from that point onward you will never see a warning or...
During operations the transponder monitors the output signal power and if the power doesn't meet the required level then a TX power Low warning will appear. ATC might still be able to receive you as their distance/weather and other conditions may not be the worst as foreseen in the requirements...
Yes if you are just interested whether the plane was tracked. But using the FAA tool to do the verification also includes measurements about outage and proper signal. That can presumably be used to prove that at least as some point int time your ADS-B out system was compliant and provided the...
Yes, and that process is very simple. Go fly for some time and upon return fill out the web request specifying your numbers and wait for the email to arrive. That proves without doubt that you ADS-B out works without any hickups.
Note that the FAA is only interested that you generate ADSB-out, I don't think they would mail you if you never had ADSB out (there are still many planes that don't do ADSB-out). I think you have to fly and request a status report from the FAA regarding your ADSB out quality and output. There is...
ADSB status is transferred via a serial (rs-232) line from the ADSB receiver to the Dynon Display. The ADSB receiver is not a Dynon-bus device (where you run a detect and automatic configure). To get the ADSB receiver to communiate with the Display the correct serial rs232 serial interface (ser...