Recent content by mikelupo

  1. M

    ADSB Partial Issue

    I notice the same thing. That I get partial ADSB most of the time. I still use my Stratus with my iPad. I find that I get better traffic resolution there b/c it does not filter out traffic like Dynon does.
  2. M

    Two elevator trims

    reach out to Dynon. I suspect they will give you a good workaround.
  3. M

    Manifold pressure sensor in extreme cold

    I want to know if anyone has experienced a sensor error in cold weather?? Yesterday I took my first cold weather flight since my HDX install. It was about 10 degrees F. I have the Dynon EMS as well as the Dynon MP sensor. The sensor is attached to the engine mount tube. I can presumably rule...
  4. M

    LNAV+V coupled approaches appear to fly lower than I expect

    @Marc_J._Zeitlin, I will do just that! Next time I’m down at the airport I’ll dump that data and upload it. I’ll share here for everyone’s edification
  5. M

    Dynon Wiring Harness' - never used, still in bag

    If you're still sitting on this stuff... Give Jesse Saint (Saint Aviation) a call in Dunnellon FL. Not that far from you.. He installs Dynon Skyview in airplanes at his shop. He might take em off your hands.
  6. M

    LNAV+V coupled approaches appear to fly lower than I expect

    For those watching this thread, Thank you all for your comments. I've not gone out again as the Wx here has been less than VFR along the approach paths and altitudes. When the weather changes, I'll do a LPV for one, and then I'll fly the LNAV+V again, this time I'll take note of my altitudes as...
  7. M

    Two elevator trims

    Thanks for the photos. That helps. It seems that you need to create new device names. Like, ELEV-S (S, for Starboard) and ELEV-P for, you guess it, port side. then it won't complain. I think you might have to go into another menu to create new names? I ran into that. I just don't recall how I...
  8. M

    Two elevator trims

    I had to think about this. The trim position sensing comes from each servo. Each servo being independent of the other (elevator and roll). That said, I believe it can be done actually... The install guide has this to say about it; Taking note what I have bolded. "Position potentiometers may be...
  9. M

    LNAV+V coupled approaches appear to fly lower than I expect

    Do LNAV+V approach advisory altitudes only apply at the fixes? Granted the LNAV+V should really be treated as a lateral guidance only with vertical "advisory", but the AP when coupled, with VNAV, should not descend below the advisory altitudes as depicted on the approach chart (according to...
  10. M

    Two elevator trims

    Hi Dejw, I've not encountered a dual elevator trim situation in my own experience with experimental. Was this something that was part of a kit? I'm not flaming or trying to be confrontational at all here. Just trying to understand. If it was part of some design, it would be helpful to the user...
  11. M

    ADSB Partial Issue

    Like you, I was having issues. Seems you're talking ADS-B in. Have a look at the Dynon Installation guide. You can download it here: Section 14...
  12. M

    A/P disappeared

    Your coms, and xponder are not Dynon network devices. They are serial devices and won't be detected in the network config page. Only things that are Dynon brand, and connected to the Dynon 9 pin connection are devices that are detectable. I still think you have a leg of your network that's just...
  13. M

    A/P disappeared

    By AP head, do you mean the HDX? ...and specifically, the ethernet port. Per the install guide... Observe the lights on the Ethernet port. Unlike other Ethernet ports, these lights are used for display status: o Yellow light on: Power on pins 1/20 (power/ground). o Yellow light off: Display not...
  14. M

    A/P disappeared

    Do you have the ability to pin a cable? You could make a long DB-9 network cable and connect the servo direct to the new cable and plug in direct to the HDX. You still have to pull the black and red wires from the cable and route to power/ground. That gets a little complicated, but not terribly...
  15. M

    A/P disappeared

    Firstly, if you have had Dynon on the phone, did they ask you go to into the network config and discover all the devices? If you look at the status of them in the netork setup screens, they may give some indication (not there, or marked needing a software update) Speaking of which, did you...