Recent content by pgtuck

  1. P


    Thanks for the great info! My interest is a bit different. My fuel flow reading on the panel reads .2gal/hr without engine running. How do I make this zero. I have adjusted K value from one extreme to the other. No change.
  2. P


    FT-60 K factor changes do not change the indicated flow. True fuel output is higher than what is displayed on HDX. I have adjusted the K factor from 68000 to higher number in hopes of matching displayed value to actual output. No joy! All help is appreciated. Thanks!
  3. P

    Cowl flaps On HDX

    Installed cowl flaps on RV6. Would like to have cowl flap widget on HDX display that flashes when flaps open. Does this go to EMS system or Efis system? Thanks!
  4. P

    want to trade

    Looking for a trade of Dynon vertical knob panels for horizontal panels. These panels are in perfect condition. Bothe AP panels. I will pay shipping!
  5. P

    HDX display choices

    Is there any way to remove the ADSB data display square that shows on the screen. The adsb info block uses too much area. I would like to eliminate all of the data fields other than ADSB- online. Thanks
  6. P

    Please provide email. I will send pictures of display.

    Please provide email. I will send pictures of display.
  7. P

    Skyview displays for sale

    The 10 inch classic non touch is still available. This is not the SE model. This display has all of functionality as the touch system minus touch feature.
  8. P

    Skyview displays for sale

    Up for sale will be one 10 inch SkyView touch and, one 10 inch SkyView classic. Both displays are currently being used and, running with the SkyView V17 software. Displays have about 400 hours on each and are in perfect condition. Displays will be removed this coming weekend. Each will come with...
  9. P

    Skyview HDX

    Does Dynon have 10 inch HDX’s to ship? I’m in need of two!
  10. P

    Auto pilot bugged altitude cancels.

    Bugged altitude cancels. When using AP I enter new altitude then press vertical speed up. New bufgged altitude is 5500. Panel indicates 700 f/min up and the climb begins. Within a few seconds the new bugged altitude disappears. Aircraft is still climbing. bugged altitude no longer displayed. If...
  11. P

    auto pilot tuning

    Thanks for info !
  12. P

    auto pilot tuning

    Reading thru the new inflight auto pilot tuning guide I see instruction to tune the roll guidance with pitch control turned off. How does one do that! Thanks
  13. P

    Skyview software

    I would like to reinstall an older version of software. How do I get 16.0.1? Thanks in advance!
  14. P

    ADAHRS issues again!

    I received my backup AHAHRS from Dynon after a repair. This is the 201 backup unit. Installed per instructions. Immediately received pitch error message. 201 unit does not agree with 200 primary ADAHRS! Not sure where to go with this one. Units are mounted with Dynon stacking mount bracket...
  15. P

    Backup ADHRS shows failure

    Thanks! Already updated and force loaded. No change.