Recent content by swaneymj

  1. swaneymj

    Video camera image went away, but still have blue screen

    In 2014 I installed a vehicle backup camera in one of the gear legs of my tail dragger. It has functioned well, but on my last flight I only had a blue screen when I selected video on my D700 classic. The video adapter has a blue light that is on and it’s recognized by the Skyview system. I...
  2. swaneymj

    Seattle Avionics 5/19 - 6/16 Data Update

    JohnAJohnson once the data is available (it seemed quite late this time) I use a 2014 Mac running Windows 10 via Parallels to open the SA Data Manager. It's a bit clunky, but the downloads take no where near 6 hours. I download most of the US except for IFR High charts. Unless I'm starting...
  3. swaneymj

    Seattle Avionics 5/19 - 6/16 Data Update

    It was released last night. A bit last minute! They're usually better than this. Should have at least put out some notification.
  4. swaneymj

    Seattle Avionics 5/19 - 6/16 Data Update

    Anybody else having problems downloading the next Seattle Avionics data effective 5/19 - 6/16? I've tried a number of times and with different computers and only see the current data that expires 5/18. I haven't seen a notification email of the availability from Seattle either. My account is...
  5. swaneymj

    Anyone know when an update is coming?

    I volunteer to beta test it for the Tach Time issue. After several weeks working with Tech Support I could only get 1 of my 2 D700’s to revert to the previous version. I would of had to reimage both displays 2 versions back then reinstall 16.0.8. Too much risk to having a display become...
  6. swaneymj

    SV Classic EMS Erratic Indications

    Do you have dual displays?
  7. swaneymj


    I assume this was caused by the updates in 16.2.4 below? Thank goodness it wasn't a safety issue. Thanks for the prompt reply and effort to identify the problem. You guys do a super job working with the customers! Mark Swaney Team Rocket F1 N76TR 25 years USN Flight Test F-14A,B &D 13 years...
  8. swaneymj


    I submitted a ticket to Dynon Tech Support. I'm glad you posted this or I'd still be searching for a different cause. If you haven't uploaded your User Logs to, I'd take a look. It's a great way to monitor your engine health as well as helping to trouble shoot many other issues.
  9. swaneymj


    I might have an answer based on a problem I'm seeing since the installation of v16.2.4. I uploaded my flights to SavvyAnalysis and the Tach trace has gone WILD!! As a result, the Tach times are much higher than expected since the next flight starts on the high Tac reading from the previous...
  10. swaneymj

    USER_LOG_DATA Question

    swatson999, I think you missed my intent. I realize that Appendix F discusses 3 user data log files (or 4 if you count the history log): 1. User Data Log: The USER_LOG_DATA.csv is the one of most interest in daily analysis of performance and operational troubleshooting. 2. Alert Data Log...
  11. swaneymj

    SL30 will not show a CDI

    Are you saying you don't see the green HSI?
  12. swaneymj


    Yes, but the beauty of the SL30 is that it has 2-way communications with Skyview. You can select a frequency on Skyview and send it to the Standby Com or Nav on the SL-30, as well as displaying other data on the screen.
  13. swaneymj

    USER_LOG_DATA Question

    So can anybody tell me why when you download the User Log Data, you also get Alert Data and Black Box Log data as well? I usually clear the data after downloading it, then save it to the cloud for future reference.
  14. swaneymj

    DRX antenna coax type

    I'm curious about the experience of users who have mounted this device in the cockpit other than on the glare shield or a window. I have a Stratus 2S and had to use 2 external antennas (ADS-B & GPS) to have reliable connectivity. I'd like to switch to a device that is compatible with FlyQ, and...