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  1. S

    EMS10 oil temp over reading in Jabiru 3300

    I bought a Jabiru J230 with a brand new 3300 engine fitted with Dynon EMS10 and D100 EFIS. The oil temp has been indicating a very high temp (100c-110c in cruise and higher). I finally checked it with a separate analogue gauge and sender and determined that the EMS10 was inaccurate as the...
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    D100 to GPS connection

    I have D100 and I want to connect my Garmin 96c GPS to it. On page 3-4 of the installation manual it states that the 96c is a GPS known to work with the D100 however there are no instructions on how to connect it to the GPS besides saying to use the yellow/green wire on the harness. However I...
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    Horizon line missing

    When I turned on the unit today it was brown instead of blue ie only the ground was showing not the sky so I uploaded the 5.3 firmware again but it made no difference. I backed it up before and after the upload and will email it to you at Can you please look at the...
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    Horizon line missing

    Hi Jake not sure what PM is?
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    Horizon line missing

    Are you sure that it has to be returned as I am in Australia and have just got the plane flying. Should I try and upload the current software again? Any other ideas you can suggest before i have to send it back?
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    Horizon line missing

    When I first did the cal I didn't have the figures but as mentioned it seemed to calibrate OK and matched the magnetic compass headings. The next time I calibrated it with the figures I did it with the horizon line missing so I think it was a waste of time. I tried calibrating it twice but the...
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    Horizon line missing

    After doing some taxi tests today I found that the horizon is there in the bottom left hand corner and it appears when I turn left sharply then disappears which seems to indicate that it thinks I am in a steep climbing turn to the right. Also when stationary the compass heading just wizzes...
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    compass total intensity setting

    Thanks Alfio much appreciated.
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    compass total intensity setting

    If you are not in the US how are you supposed to get that 5 digit "total intensity" number to calibrate the compass properly?
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    Horizon line missing

    I turned on my D100 today and there is no horizon line showing and the pitch and roll indicators are indicating a turn to the right. The last thing I did the other day is calibrate the compass which brings me to another question. If you are not in the US how are you supposed to get that 5 digit...
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    Dynon D100 ASI

    OK will check today and get back to you.
  12. S

    Dynon D100 ASI

    I have my D100 and analogue ASI connected however for some reason my ASI reads "0" and the Dynon reads 75knots and the scale is continually moving between 74 and 76knots when stationary (aircraft not flying yet). There are no leaks in the pitot system as I can blow into the tube and block the...
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    Dynon D100 ASI readout

    I am in Australia. I am hoping to have it flying in a month or 2 so I was going to wait to see if it is OK in fight conditions. If not I will get back to you. Thanks
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    Dynon D100 ASI readout

    Unfortunately it doesn't so why do you think it won't hold the airspeed? I have checked for leaks and it all seems OK
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    Dynon D100 ASI readout

    Thanks for the quick reply. Are you saying that even though I hold pressure in the pitot at say 60 knots on the analogue ASI the Dynon ASI won't read and hold that airspeed? Reading your post it suggests that if I don't blow over 20 knots it will return to 0 but if I go over 20 shouldn't it hold...
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    Dynon D100 ASI readout

    I am just about ready to fit the nose deck on my Searey and have been checking various instruments to make sure they are all working OK. When blowing intio the pitot tubing quickly the analogue ASI works fine but my Dynon D100 registers up to approx 30kts briefly then goes to 0 while the ASI is...
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    serial port disconnect

    OK thanks for the info. I may put a switch in anyway in case I ever do hook up a GPS etc.
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    D100 audio output

    Thanks for the input by all. I think I may have worked out the problem. When I asked the electronics guy for some 4700 ohm resistors he said no worries thats a 47k resistor. I bought some of these and installed them in line but got absloutely nothing. One of the owners on the Searey forum that I...
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    serial port disconnect

    With just a D100 without a GPS or SL30 connected to it does the yellow wire (pin 22) still have to be disconnected when downloading firmware updates?
  20. S

    D100 audio output

    I am currently wiring my panel and saw that I have to run the audio out (green wire) into my intercom for AOA alerts. I bought a 10k variable resistor as per the manual to adjust the volume of the alarm. I have an XCOM 760. I assumed that  I had to wire the D100 audio output to the "music in"...