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    difficult to get excited about my new Skyview

    No, I didn't mention that, you confuse forum members. As I said, I practically have no basemap, except for some sketchy coastlines. I cited the Garmin case: a) good basemap b) their basemap can be modified by the user I could have added MGL Odyssey...
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    There is no "screenshots" directory on the stick and I have only one USB stick plugged in. Even if I had two sticks connected, I would expect a warning, but not "screenshot in progress".
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    difficult to get excited about my new Skyview

    Although I downloaded base_map_south-america_6.dup I cannot see any any roads nor rivers in our region (Panama) and the coastlines are extremely sketchy, to be polite. I accept that Latin America is not Dynon's market and we are not entitled to the attention US customers get, but why provide...
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    Hi, when I press "screenshot" (button 2 and 7), I get screenshot in progress but no screen is shot on my USB stick. What can be the reason ? Any ideas? How are screenshot files named? what type ? .jpg?
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    BRG 1 and BRG 2

    As I said, I am a dumb pilot and somewhat slow understanding, so please explain: Why can Skyview not show me a bearing it knows, without changing my current waypoint/FP? I only referred to the nearest menu to prove that the information and interface type exist, not to go there. So I consider...
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    BRG 1 and BRG 2

    "poor mans off-route-RBI" thank you for your response, Ian, it clarified a lot. Originally, I didn't want to make a feature request. I thought I was making a mistake in the BRG setup, so obvious it was to me that a bearing needle could point to some arbitrary waypoint. But ok, I will stand in...
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    BRG 1 and BRG 2

    No. In a classic config I can make them point to any VOR/NDB I want. In Skyview not (without going there). I humbly admit I don't know what a "nav source" is. As I said when I started this thread, I wanted the discussion restricted to a single GPS only system, "skyview", in order not to confuse...
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    BRG 1 and BRG 2

    Don't be agressive and insulting, Steve, try to understand what I'm saying: 1) In a GPS system there is no need for separate VOR/ADF inputs, so asking to connect additional receivers just to get an (off-route) bearing is odd, very odd. It's just a question of computing two bearings and display...
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    BRG 1 and BRG 2

    Ok, my pilot colleagues, I accept that: You have a map, you have Jeppesen, and you agree with Mr. Dynon that off-route bearings are a thing of the past - even those to my aunts chicken farm. So let me ask you - and Dynon - a last question: Why did the Skyview programmers waist the money of...
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    BRG 1 and BRG 2

    First, the fact that Dynon is not IFR rated does not mean it should not be used in training IFR procedures in VMC. IFR procedures have a lot of cross bearings. Second, let's put it the other way around: Dynon is not a stupid GPS for bikers. Dynon endeavors to simulate classical avionic...
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    BRG 1 and BRG 2

    interesting. Please explain in terms of Skyview menu operations!
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    BRG 1 and BRG 2

    Hello Mr. Dynon, thank you for your explanations. I think you are prisoner of a strange paradigm: that a BRG needle must be related to the aircraft's route. Strange, because in classical instrument panels this is not the case: you can set a "needle" to whatever off-route navaids you want. Even...
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    BRG 1 and BRG 2

    Seems like my point is not understood, so let my try it once again: 1) You're on a flight plan, currently from VOR A to VOR B. 2) You want to know when you are abeam VOR C (which is not on your FP) and what is the bearing to your aunt's chicken farm (not on your flight plan neither). 3)...
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    BRG 1 and BRG 2

    maybe I botched the attachment... Mr. 60av8tor, let me repeat how much I appreciate your comments (especially since Dynon does not "chime in" this discussion - they know why). But, please: look at the attached screenshot - just the nearest airports: Skyview knows each bearing instantly. So...
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    BRG 1 and BRG 2

    thank you for trying to explain Dynon's design errors. We don't speak the same language: I don't want to tell "nav sources" to go places, I want to tell BRG1 to point to some waypoint off my route. Skyview, like each GPS, knows all bearings to all waypoints, so its the simplest of all matters...
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    BRG 1 and BRG 2

    thanks for your reply. 1) ...which obivously doesn't make sense. I still can't believe that I have to buy a nav radio just to get bearings to an off route VOR which Skyview has in its database ! 2) So when I connect a handheld GPS and select it as source for one of the BRGs, <b>where does...
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    BRG 1 and BRG 2

    Can somebody please make some clear statements how BRG1/BRG2 are used in Skyview-only systems (no SL30, no nav radio, no second GPS, nothing) ? 1) With the HSI set to my next WP, can I set BRG1 to some arbitrary off-route (Skyview-)Waypoint and BRG2 to some other ? 2) Can a handheld GPS (e.g...