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    EMS 120 spikes in flight

    I have an EMS 120 and D100 in an RV. Over the past few months the 120 has started spiking off in flight. It isn't rebooting because it doesn't go to the boot screen. It does reset the fuel used and time when this happens. There is another aircraft ( CT ) on the field that is doing the same...
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    Setup intercept radial

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    Setup intercept radial

    You are correct. I am using GPS. Can I not use the GPS and select a radial off the vor if I use the GPS to navigate to the VOR.
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    Setup intercept radial

    In the older software I could select a radial on the CDI. It has been replaced with altitude and airspeed. How do you setup an approach to intercept an inbould/ outbound radial or intercept an airway if you can't set the radial? Aubrey Price N600AP
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    Course only shows North and losing link to AVMAP

    Re: Course only shows North and losing link to AVM The release before 5.0 11/13/08. I will follow your link today and see if everything is setup correctly Aubrey
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    Course only shows North and losing link to AVMAP

    I have a D-100 linked to AVMAP IV. After the last software update to the D100, the magenta course only show 0/360. The needle moves left and right, but points north. I am also losing the link between the D100 and the AvMAP. Comes and goes. Anyone have an idea or the same problem Aubrey N600AP RV7A
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    Vertical guidance

    I have talked to AVMAP I quote"Do you happen to know what NMEA sentence is used to indicate this data? I have forwarded your request to our product manager in Italy, but if you had this info I could check the AvMaps ability to export this type of data." Could you provide this? AVMAP would like...
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    Airspeed reads Low

    I had this problem on my RV. Airspeed low and altitude low. It was the placment of the static port. I solved it by putting a small dam in front of the static ports. It wasn't my idea. Van's told me what to do. It works.
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    Vertical guidance

    I am running the D100 with AvMap. I can setup CDI and glideslope but only get CDI. The AvMap shows vertical guidance to the runway, but nothing on the D100. Any ideas. Aubrey N600AP RV7A