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  1. 1

    Trim Indicators

    Thanks for the helpful, and timely info. I'll just hook the aileron and elevator trim to the D180, and plan to use that instead of the clunky indicators that came with the trim servos. Cheers, Rusty
  2. 1

    Trim Indicators

    Add my vote for trim indicators, but I'd need to know in the next month or so if this is going to happen, since I'll be cutting the panel. I'd love to leave off the trim indicators, and wouldn't even mind living without them for some time, as long as I knew that the D180 would eventually be...
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    Remote Compass location

    Thanks for the info. I'll just use the OAT that I already have, and extend the wires. This certainly isn't my biggest mistake to date :) Rusty
  4. 1

    Remote Compass location

    Rats! I guess it pays to never assume I know anything :-[ I had good luck with the EDC under the empennage fairing on my old RV-3, that I decided to put it there on the RV-8 as well. The OAT is mounted on the side of the fuselage, below the right horz stab. This is where I had it on the...
  5. 1


    That's certainly good to know. I just recently received my D180, and also a serial recorder from these guys: The current version of software only records one channel at a time, but the soon to be released version of software will record from...
  6. 1


    It's here The UPS guy brought me a D180 today.  I powered it up for just a minute on the internal battery, and it looks mighty cool  8-) I also received one of the Antilog serial data loggers that was mentioned by Werner.  Sadly, I have to go out of town for work for a number of weeks, and...
  7. 1


    Thanks for the info Werner. I sent them an email to confirm whether it will record from both serial ports at the same time. If so, it would probably do what I need, but of course it's also pretty pricey. I've been told that a serial data recorder shouldn't cost a tenth of what these folks are...
  8. 1

    D-100 / D-120 sport pack pricing?

    Thanks for the reply. I guess there's no additional rationalization to get the D-100/D-120 over the D-180 then. I'll just remain hopeful that the most recent "late March" shipping comes true for the D-180. Cheers, Rusty
  9. 1

    D-100 / D-120 sport pack pricing?

    Greetings, Is there a sport pack discount for buying these units together? I recall that there used to be for the D-10 series, and I think I read that there would be for these as well. I've currently got a D-180 on order, but the delivery is being pushed back so far that I might have to...
  10. 1


    Thanks for mentioning that. I believe the gizmo I found only has one serial input, so I guess I'd have to pick either the EMS or EFIS. Not a tough choice, but it would be nice to have it all, especially for the cost of that gizmo. Hmmmm, Rusty
  11. 1


    Wow, thanks for all the info!   It sounds like the serial data recorder that I found would probably do the job.  Since it runs on 7-18V, it would be easy to hook 12V up to it in the plane.  It's also small, and light, and could mount right on the panel for easy access to the flash card, and...
  12. 1


    I've done some more searching, and found this: I'm not completely sure that it will capture the serial data from the Dynon, mostly because I have no idea what format the serial data is in. It sounds like it can be configured for most anything though...
  13. 1


    Greetings, Since it sounds like datalogging isn't a high priority for Dynon at the moment, I'd like to investigate other options for the D180 I just ordered.   I know there's a program written by Waiter, that will capture the data that's on the serial link.  On his site, he mentions that it...
  14. 1


    A few posts ago, you made it sound like the biggest datalogging challenge was in the user interface program for the PC. Since other users will write programs, or spreadsheets to display the data, what we really need from Dynon is for the unit to save the raw data internally. Could something...
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    Excellent. Thanks, Rusty
  16. 1


    Another question- Does the D180 have any sort of audio warnings? Thanks, Rusty (trying to figure out how many audio inputs I need)
  17. 1


    Thanks for the comments. I guess now I just have to decide if the datalogging is important enough to keep me from getting the D180. Thanks, Rusty (must decide)
  18. 1


    My idea of the perfect datalogging system is one that records the data automatically in a FIFO buffer. In other words, you don't have to decide whether you want to save it or not in advance. A feature to stop the recording, and hold the current data would be nice though, particularly if the...
  19. 1


    Thanks for the order info.  Does (Will) the unit have any data logging capability built in? I imagine it will likely work with the 3rd party software that was mentioned in another thread, but I don't want to have to carry a laptop around to do this. Cheers, Rusty  
  20. 1


    Is Dynon taking orders for this unit yet? Any idea what the probe package for an O-360 with fuel flow option would be? Would an order now, require full payment, or just a deposit? Thanks, Rusty (RV-8 needs some goodies)