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  1. pacecapt

    SV-EMS-220 and the UL350iS Engine

    FYI, I use the "Other" engine setting in the engine selection menu.
  2. pacecapt

    SV-EMS-220 and the UL350iS Engine

    Sent...good luck.
  3. pacecapt

    SV-EMS-220 and the UL350iS Engine

    I fly a Zenith Cruzer with a UL350is and a Dynon HDX system with an EMS 220. I can email you my EMS settings if you would like them.
  4. pacecapt

    Erratic Airspeed (IAS) on HDX

    Yes, many times...
  5. pacecapt

    Erratic Airspeed (IAS) on HDX

    I did that and no change. I also moved the static ports further aft as I was getting a high IAS but now that seems to be a better location.
  6. pacecapt

    Erratic Airspeed (IAS) on HDX

    I only have one.
  7. pacecapt

    Erratic Airspeed (IAS) on HDX

    Yes, it does it on both screens and neither the VSI nor Altitude have erratic readings and yes, I do have the AOA attached. I have never thought it was the HDX screens but probably the ADAHRS or the lines. I have checked all line with no leaks...
  8. pacecapt

    Erratic Airspeed (IAS) on HDX

    I have a dual screen Dynon HDX system with Dynon Pitot, ADAHRS, etc. I have been flying this system for 3 years and during that time I have always had a erratic or bouncy airspeed indication (2-3 MPH up and down) while in flight. I have done all the calibration that I can with this system, in...
  9. pacecapt

    ADS-B question

    FlightAware is not a good tell as to whether your ADS-b is working properly. I know this first hand as a friend and I have been troubleshooting his as he has been contacted by the FAA regarding his ADS-b not working (it is failing SILS data) yet it is showing up in FlightAware and on my ADS-b...
  10. pacecapt

    GPS antenna for DYnon and Garmin 175

    Spacing should not be an issue for GPS receive only antennas. The biggest issue with GPS is LOS to the satellites. They don't broadcast any RF.
  11. pacecapt

    I need help understanding/troubleshooting fuel level sensor.

    Why is it that we have had very accurate fuel senders in auto for years yet they can't seem to get that technology into our E-AB's???
  12. pacecapt

    Need advice about adding radios to HDX

    I don't necessarily disagree with you on having two radios. The problem with the Dynon/Trig radio is that you can't send the audio from the "Dual" feature to either the copilot or another ear on your headset and as soon as someone presses the key on the primary frequency you can no longer hear...
  13. pacecapt

    Dynon Radio Problem

    I have a Dynon HDX Panel in my experimental with Dynon Radio and Intercom. I am having a problem with the audio on the co-pilot side. Intercom between the Pilot and Co-pilot are great and on the Pilot side has the radio transmit and receive are excellent. I have had several different...
  14. pacecapt

    Need advice about adding radios to HDX

    That is interesting as I have not seen anything in the Dynon manuals that indicate what you said. I am fully aware of the monitor (Dual) feature but as you stated it is only a good feature until someone keys the mic on the primary freq and that always tends to be when I am listening to the ATIS...
  15. pacecapt

    Need advice about adding radios to HDX

    I thought you meant there was a way to control a second Dynon radio via the HDX screen...
  16. pacecapt

    Need advice about adding radios to HDX

    Can you elaborate on "the HDX will handle dual radios just fine"? I have a dual screen HDX system with Dynon intercom and single Dynon radio and I can't figure out how to add a second radio (any kind) that the Dynon will also control without changing to a different audio panel or adding a hard...
  17. pacecapt

    Skyview HDX Firmware v 16.0.2

    So if I have an older UL 4 cylinder engine without the CANBUS and don't have a VPX then is there any reason to install this update?
  18. pacecapt

    ADS-B Traffic on Skyview Map

    Definitely yes, I was in and under two overlapping class Charlie airspaces...the traffic was there one second and blank screen the next.
  19. pacecapt

    Skyview HDX Firmware v 16.0.2

    I just noticed that there is "another" firmware release on the Dynon website. Does this fix any issues from the v 16.0.1?
  20. pacecapt

    ADS-B Traffic on Skyview Map

    Thanks for the feedback. I have flown a lot since the firmware update and this is a recent problem that only happened in the last couple of days...hope it is not a sign of something worse.