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  1. N

    High Fuel Pressure Warning!!!! HELP!!!

    Hi All, Ive been have high fuel pressure warnings on my D180. i have tried everything from Checking connections, ground etc, d180 settings and finally getting a new sender. Tomorrow i have a guy coming round to check the fuel pressure, to see if i actually do have high fuel press. When i start...
  2. N


    Hi Guys. got the update done on friday. everything went 100% :) One other thing, do i need to update the magnetic compass? thanks neil
  3. N


    Hi again, Also i see that there is drivers available for the usb, serial cable. Do i need to install it first or just hook it up and see what happens? I noticed at the back of my instrument panel that there is two serial cables, as i have d180, which one of these cables do i use for the...
  4. N


    Hi, I have a D180 and i am currently on version 4.0.0. Is it ok to install the latest version or do i need to install the previous updates first? i assume it is, as i dont see that the previous updates are available. Just thought i'd ask before doing something stupid :-/ Sorry, but im not...
  5. N

    Dynon 180 hobbs problem

    Thanks for the help!! you thought i might have checked that. :-[ :-[ Oh well i'd rather ask anyway ;D thanks again neil
  6. N

    Dynon 180 hobbs problem

    Hi All and Dynon support. I have d180, which is great btw. my problem is that when i got my ctsw, the 180 was set to other setting and not Rotax, as i have 912 rotax engine. I have now switch to the rotax setting which now only records hobbs time. I have up until now been recording tach and...
  7. N

    Dynon 180 problem!!

    Hi, i recently installed a manual asi (UMA)as a backup. When i was testing the unit, on startup i noticed that lines started to appear on the screen. they were running horizontal across the screen. I first thougth it was interference from my mobile phone, but turned it off and the lines were...