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  1. B

    No Carb Temp

    I also installed a carb temp sensor and can't find where to read it. What download files about Lycoming are we referrring to. Is this something I missed in the directions. Would appreciate some help here. Al
  2. B

    D-180 reboots after cranking

    My D180 shut down when I hit the starter button.  I don't have the battery backup option. Mainly because my battery could run it for days without recharging. To solve the problem I supplied it through a 4 amp diode then put a 10,000 MFD capacitor after the diode. During startup, the starter...
  3. B

    EDC-10A compass monting

    Thankyou for the fast reply, I'll go get some measuring tools and make sure the compass is at the right angle. Right now the wing is off and it will take a little calculating.
  4. B

    EDC-10A compass monting

    I am mounting the EDC-10A compass inside the wing on a homebuilt supercub. The installation shows the magnetometer inclined at the same angle as my D180. In the cub the panel is about 10 degrees off vertical from the level flight position. Is it really important to mount the compass at the same...