Search results

  1. W

    GNS 430 P.O.S.T. indication on Skyview HSI

    I've powered on all my avionics before buttoning up the foward top skin on an RV-8. One of the things I've been trying to figure out is whether or not my GNS430 navigation data is actually connected to Skyview via the ARINC429 interface module. When Skyview is on and the PFD's HSI source is...
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    VFR Vertical Nav "tic marks"

    Can anybody point me to a video showing real world application of the magenta and cyan colored vertical descent path tic marks (how to set them up, how it looks to fly them)?
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    VP-X tripping on Skyview new install

    I have a new install Skyview classic: two 7" displays, dual ADAHARS, GPS 2020, EMS, SV-COM-T25, SV-TXPDR-261, SV-AP-SERVOs (pitch&roll). Wiring has been verified (rung-out plug to plug). But, when I power it on VP-X trips the COM, TXPDR and AP. I went throught the configurator app on the VP-X...
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    AP-Panel to trim coolie hat

    Anyone want to share their wiring diagram for the trim coolie hat with Skyview AP panel. I have the Tosten CS grip that has a single common wire for every switch. —————————-Edit————————————— After looking back at the install manual, I understand the wiring for the trim. But, I’m curious...
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    Skyview Autotrim feature powered by VP-X

    I'm just about ready to power up my avionics for the first time. But, I've just realized I don't have a "pilot accessible" breaker to disable the trim system in the even of runaway trim. I have a pullable breaker on the console for AP, but not trim. For AP, I just wired the power for the...
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    RV-8 SV-EMS-220 install location and Firewall Penetration

    Would love to see any pics of an RV-8/8A with the SV-EMS-220 install and Firewall penetrations. Anyone wanna share?
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    SV-AP-TrimAmp yeah or nay?

    RV-8 with Ray Allen T3-12A roll and pitch trim servos wired to SV-AP-PANEL. Looks to me like the Trim Amp is optional. Anyone found it to be a real world "must-have", or no?
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    VP-X License "Delivery"?

    How will I receive the VP-X license? I ordered it online last Saturday. Was expecting to receive an email with a link to a "license" with a long character string to enter into Skyview's VP-X setup page. So far, I haven't received anything? Did I miss something?
  9. W

    GNS 430 wiring

    Anyone care to share their wiring diagrams or pinouts for GNS 430 to Skyview? I think I have it figured out. But, I'd love to see how someone else did it. I have 2 SV-700 classic displays, the SV-ARINC429, SV-XPNDR-261 (mode S) and a PSE PMA-6000B Audio Panel. I also have the SV-GPS-2020...
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    SV-COM-PANEL Power with T25 transciever

    How is the SV-COM-PANEL powered when installed with the T25 transciever? With the 425, it was powered via pins 7 and 13 of the 425 to pins 1 and 2 of the control panel. But, the pinout for the D25M on the T25 shows pin 7 as not connected, and pin 13 goes to pin 6 of the control panel D15. I...
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    D37 USB Socket Flush Mount

    How are folks mounting the Skyview USB sockets to their instrument panels?
  12. W

    Dynon "out of stock"?

    Just noticed the Dynon online store shows "out of stock" for most of the components I need to finish out my avionics package. Has anyone heard anything about this? Is this because of the microchip shortage? Have there been any estimates for when their supply chain will return to normal?
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    EDC-10A firmware update

    If I connect an EDC-10A with an older firmware version to a EFIS D-10A with the current firmware, will the EDC-10A automatically update. Or, do I have to run the Dynon Support Program update?
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    Knuckoll's Z-11 Low Voltage Warning

    Putting together a parts list for my RV's electrical system. I'm following the AeroElectric Connection Z-11 wiring diagram. But, it seems to me if Skyview provides a low voltage alert, I don't need the AEC9005-101 Low Voltage Monitor and associated LED light. Anyone else have thoughts on this?
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    Database Subscription

    Planning on interfacing a G-word navigator with Skyview. Do I need a subscription to their database as well as the Seattle Avionics subscription? Do I choose one or the other? What do I gain or lose by choosing just one.
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    Skyview Classic with GNC 420W and Becker Nav5300

    Can the Skyveiw be interfaced with a GNC 420W? How about a Becker Nav5300? Anyone running this combination of gear?
  17. W

    Skyview Screen layout **Newbie Question**

    I'm planning on installing dual SV700 displays on my RV-8 panel.  I got a good deal on them from someone who was upgrading to HDX. I always see the PFD on the left side of the display screen.  I want the default display to be so that map is on the left and PFD is on the right (40/60) of the...
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    Latest Part No. and Revision level of the D10A

    Looking at a used D10A with part no. 100321- and no revision.  Serial number is in the 5000s.  What is the product difference between this and a new D10A?  Is there any hardware revisions that may need to be incorporated?  I haven't checked firmware.  But, I'm confident I should be able to...
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    FAA requirements for ADS-B location source?

    Does the SV-GPS-250 meet FAA requirements for ADS-B out location source?