Search results

  1. kurtfly

    Foreflight not updating METARS , Lightning or NOTAMs

    I recently submitted a bug report to ForeFlight because it does not update the METARS, Lightning or NOTAMs once I am in flight. Starts off ok but once i get a couple hundred miles away from starting point i notice METARS are unavailable. All these products are displayed perfectly on the...
  2. kurtfly

    3D printed spacer for Skyview knob panel

    Had a friend print a spacer for the autopilot and knob panel for my HDX system. Now all the panel bezels are the same thickness. Made with black ABS plastic. Looks like it belongs now. Kurt
  3. kurtfly

    HDX "UNKNOWN_DATE" and Time when downloading User Data

    I recently upgraded my Classic to the HDX and noticed when downloading the User Files the data on the files is 12/31/1979 and in the title it has "UNKNOWN_DATE" where it normally has current date. This started happening with the HDX install. I have a single HDX1100 with the backup battery. I...
  4. kurtfly

    Skyview ABS-B on Avidyne IFD-540

    Avidyne released software 10.3 on Wednesday. One of the big changes is it allows the Avidyne to display ADS-B weather and traffic from other devices as long as it is on Wi-Fi and using Port 4000. I installed version 10.3 on my Avidyne but unable to display any ADS-B products. The IFD is...
  5. kurtfly

    Skyview WiFi intermittent no communication.

    I have had my WiFi fail to communicate with my Foreflight tablet about 3 times over the past few months. In all cases it starts off fine then in-flight Foreflight drops my position data and shows no track or any info on flight progress. No more ADSB data. Looking at the WiFi status it shows...
  6. kurtfly

    SV 10" Classic Touch-Unable to upload USER LOG files to SAVVY

    I have been unable to upload the User Log file to SAVVY since I upgraded to I contacted SAVVY who said the file had errors in it at the end. He had to delete the end and then he could import, however, every flight had the current date. so, all the flights show up on the same day...
  7. kurtfly

    Another possible V16 issue

    I have started seeing a new issue since I upgraded to version v16. This is related to Skyview WiFi connection to Foreflight. But since Foreflight has also updated their version I am not sure who is to blame. I have a 10" Skyview Touch, with ADSB-472, and Avidyne IFD-540. The Avidyne...
  8. kurtfly

    Software Version 16 disappointment?

    I loaded V16 and am somewhat disappointed there are no improvements supporting Avidyne IFD products. Since Dynon does not make a IFR navigator they are at a disadvantage to G. G products are much more able to share weather, traffic, ADS-B, radio tuning,etc. between their IFR navigator display...
  9. kurtfly

    How does Dynon come up with calibration coefficients

    Dynon, I am trying to understand how you come up with the calibration coefficients. It looks like you are using more data than a Skyview user has available to generate the coefficients. Example: The new 150 PSIG (P255-150G-E4A) pressure transducer you have in the .SFG file the calibration...
  10. kurtfly

    SV D1000 Classic joystick use in turbulence

    If you have a classic SV system and when in turbulence, accidently move the joystick when you wanted to just turn the knob then this modification may help you. I took some 3/16 inch Yoga mat foam and made some bushings to make it a little harder to move the joystick functions. I used a 1/2 inch...
  11. kurtfly

    Not getting Lightning Data from SV-ADSB-472 on ForeFlight

    I am not receiving any lightning data on ForeFlight when connected to my Skyview Network (SV-D1000-T , SV-ADSB-472, WiFi) running version 15.4.7. Other posts say this is working, but I don't see it. Once I connect to my home wifi it displays perfectly. What firmware revision is the latest on...
  12. kurtfly

    Skyview ADS-B weather and traffic on IFD540

    Last year when I was at Oshkosh the Avidyne booth had ADS-B weather and traffic displayed on both the IFD and the Skyview. How is this done? Is it possible to use my Skview ADS-B receiver to supply weather and traffic to the IFD? Can the data move via ethernet or connect to IFD serial port?
  13. kurtfly

    Dynon and Avidyne IFD

    Dynon, When I was at Oshkosh, one of the Dynon employees mentioned you were planning some nice features that can be shared between SkyView and IFD? Any word on what/when it is planned? I have a few suggestions: Push flight plans between SkyView/IFD Tune Com / Nav radio. Share ADS-B products...
  14. kurtfly

    SkyView ARINC 429 dropouts from GNS430W

    Dynon, what is the current progress / status regarding the momentary ARINC 429 dropouts that some GNS430W-->ARINC 429-->SV flyers experience. On my way to Oshkosh I had several dropouts in quick succession which caused autopilot to auto switch out of NAV to Course mode. I spoke to some guys...
  15. kurtfly

    In Flight Wind speed off by 30 kts.

    I noticed on my last two flights the Dynon Skyview wind speed is off by ~25 to 30 kts.  The wind direction is correct as I compare it to the D-100 and the GNS430W.  I used to see all 3 be reasonably close to each other with the GNS430W exact same as Skyview.  Does the GNS430W not get all the...
  16. kurtfly

    D100 off axis mounting

    Dynon, I have a D100 set up as my standby flight display as it is totally independent of the skyview system. My D100 is installed in my Glasair on the Future Vision instrument panel. This panel has the inserts canted to favor the pilots viewing angle (about 10 degrees). See attached photo...
  17. kurtfly

    FLY Q V 3.0 users and Skyview

    I normally would not use this forum for this problem but in case I am not the only Skyview driver that is using Seattle Fly-Q. I would recommend that you DO NOT UPDATE TO VERSION 3.0 I updated to FLY Q EFB 3.0 and flew with it for the 1st time. It will lock up or abort immediately when it...
  18. kurtfly

    Android Apps that work with SV

    Has anyone had any luck with any Android App (Samsung tablet) that will connect and display traffic and weather from the SV? I am currently using the NAVIATOR app but I am unable to get any traffic or weather via wi-fi connection. I have e-mailed Naviator a couple times and they have never...
  19. kurtfly

    EMS "CONTACT" inputs anomally

    Dynon, Can you please explain why I am experiencing this? I just received my EMS-220 module back from Dynon after repairs.  The board was replaced per Dynon write up.  So I think I basically have a new EMS.  I performed the Software update to 15.0.4, network configure and loaded the .SFG and...
  20. kurtfly


    Dynon, On a trip from Fort Worth, TX to Meridian, MS I had a alternator failure about 40 miles from Meridian.  When the alternator failed it tripped the field breaker.  It also failed off the -201 ADAHRS, the ARINC 429, GPS-250 and the EMS.  The -200 ADAHRS displays bad altitude and airspeed...