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  1. Z

    Trim Widget

    Hi everyone. My build has HDX with Ap Panel and Ray Allen electric trim. I‘ve wired the signal from the trim to Pin 10 on the EMS 220. However when I attempt To map this I hit a roadblock. After setting the function as “sensor”, and picking ah ohm setting, I only get a fixed choice in the...
  2. Z

    Exit and backspace HDX

    Hi everyone Installing my HDX, As received and installed the backspace and exit buttons on the touchscreen did not work. I’ve installed 16.07, but still can’t get these functions to work. Other touch screen feature function OK with the exception of the touch test, when I try that I get...
  3. Z

    D 37 Harness

    Gidday everyone. Working through my installation. Looking at pages 24-8 & 9 of the manual, specifically Table 123 and Figure 251. I don’t seem to have wires 16, 17, 18, and 19 on my harness. (Given as red, black, white and green respectively) Figure 251 shows these wires for USB flash...
  4. Z

    Fuel Pressure Transducer Location

    Hello everyone. About to install my Kavlico pressure transducer for a Rotax 912 ULS. I note than the manual just says not to install on the engine. Forgetting about the “logistics” of putting it either side of the firewall any pros/cons on putting it either side? Thanks Peter
  5. Z

    Adding EGT Probes

    Hi there everyone. I‘m installing Skyview HDX system on a Rotax 912 ULS. I have the EMS220 and the Rotax kit. The kit contains wiring and two probes. If I want to install probes on the other two cylinders should I just buy two more probes and wire them to the appropriate pins on the plug...
  6. Z

    Beginner Wiring Question

    Hi Everyone. I‘m building/assembling an ICP Savannah down in New Zealand, similar I guess to a Zenith 750 STOL, installing a Dynon Skyview system with autopilot. Luckily I’m getting a fair bit of help in this area because I know next to nothing about wiring and avionics. I‘m installing the...
  7. Z

    Remote magnetometer installation.

    Hello everyone. Will it cause a problem installing my remote magnetometer in proximity (16 inches) of a com aerial? Thanks Peter