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  1. R

    AP Diagnostic and Test selections will not work

    I don't see any errors on the ground. The status looks OK, and the network sees the servos. Can you give me a procedure to figure this out? You, know, step one do this, step 2 do this. etc. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. Roger.
  2. R

    AP Diagnostic and Test selections will not work

    That is possible, but my main concern is why the test functions on the screen will not work. They just don't appear to be available for some reason. Thanks for the possibility.
  3. R

    AP Diagnostic and Test selections will not work

    After about a year on the autopilot, I was flying last week, and the roll AP appeared to turn off with a roll error. After landing, I tried to check and test the AP. The Servo is seen on the network, the numbers change when I move the stick from + values to - values. I tried to do a test...
  4. R

    Serial 1  GPS Settings for a Garmin 295

    Re: Serial 1  GPS Settings for a Garmin 295 Thanks, guys. I have already done all of this. There must be something wrong with the old 295. Might be a good excuse to upgrade to a newer one. Heck, maybe I will just wait for the Dynon SW to come out and see if it does everything I need. Then...
  5. R

    Serial 1  GPS Settings for a Garmin 295

    I have a Garmin 295 I am trying to connect on Serial 1. There is no setting for the 295. I have tried every setting, but all I get are errors counting up. I have tried std. settings with different baud rates. Does anyone know what to set the settings at for the 295? I have checked the...
  6. R

    How about a position indicator on the display?

    I already have a EDM 930 Engine monitor. What I would like Dynon to make would be a simple interface box that would provide Elevator trim,Aileron trim, and flap trim indications on the screen. These could be tied to MAC trim servos and take their pot outputs. Dynon, how about you guys making...
  7. R

    txInterogate Emag ignitions

    I concur. I run P-Mags, and having ignition timing would be of benefit. Thanks for considering this.
  8. R

    Pitch, Roll, Flap position on EFIS only

    Please consider putting the resistive pot imputs for these three signals on the EFIS instead of the Engine monitoring system. I already have an EDM 900, (purchased years ago) and a 10" SkyView. I would love to have these on the SkyView screen, but I am not inclined to purchase the other $600...
  9. R

    ETHERNET Connectivity of devices

    My brain thought of one possible problem with this. This is the issue of "Single point of failure" If the hub went down, all communication would be lost. I am sure this could be figured out, though.
  10. R

    Ordering small parts from the online catalog

    Warranty Registration. I found one time how to do an online registration of the various items in my system. I cannot find it anymore. Please advise of the path of button pushes necessary to find the registration screen. It appears to be pretty well buried in your website. Thanks.
  11. R

    ETHERNET Connectivity of devices

    I have worked on a number of aviation installations and systems, and it appears as if there is some interest in using RJ-45 connectors (hopefully a more industrial connector) to interconnect all of the radios, EFIS, engine systems, etc. Some are discussing just putting an Ethernet hub under the...
  12. R

    SkyView 2.5 Released!

    From my perspective, if you ever make a hardware modification to the bezel or pushbuttons in the future, it would be a great idea to put one of the USB ports out the front of the unit and just cover it with a small rubber plug. That would be the perfect situation, if possible. I am not...
  13. R

    Connecting a WX Works box RS-232 or USB?

    Is there any discussion for a future addition to connecting a serial or USB WXWorks box to the SkyView? I just connected one RS-232 to an Avidyne and it worked pretty easily. This might be a good alternative to purchasing a fancy GPS system, if the internal GPS with the new coming sofware...