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    Viewing TRSA's in Skyview Classic map

    Thank you for confirming.
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    Viewing TRSA's in Skyview Classic map

    swatson999 does not see TRSA's on the terrain map but CanardMulti (above) does see them. I would like to see them if available. Disappointed that DYNON has chosen not to answer this basic question.
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    Viewing TRSA's in Skyview Classic map

    Thank you for confirming my expectation. Now why am I not seeing it? I have assumed that I have a setting wrong but looking for help on what to check.
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    Viewing TRSA's in Skyview Classic map

    I am trying to view TRSA airspace not TFR's.
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    Viewing TRSA's in Skyview Classic map

    I do see TRSA airspace on the VFR chart but I expected to see the airspace also depicted on the Aviation database which I use most of the time. Can someone confirm if the Aviation database has TRSA data? I assumed I have a setting wrong.
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    Viewing TRSA's in Skyview Classic map

    I assume I have a setting incorrect but I am unable to see TRSA airspace. I do see B, C, and D airspace but not TRSA's. Suggestions?
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    Skyview Boot Problem

    Dynon Has any progress been made concerning this boot issue? My Skyview is significantly improved since installing 2.5 but it has "froze" at boot up on two occasions since my last post; one time at the splash screen and one time on a blank screen (I boot the unit up many times; I didn't count...
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    Skyview Boot Problem

    The boot problem I experienced prior to installing 2.5 was varied. It would somtimes hang at the splash screen or at a white screen with vertical colored lines. After installing 2.5 it did hang one time at the splash screen. After my last post I powered up my skyview multiple times (20+)...
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    Skyview Boot Problem

    I installed 2.5 this morning. I still have the boot problem.
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    Skyview Boot Problem

    Rus I am also having a boot problem with my Skyview and have seen the same error. My unit appears to "lock up"more frequently when my back up battery is less than full charge. It may be just a coincedence but the problem appeared to worsen after I installed the RF filters to surpress noise on...
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    skyview dirty rf ...testing... resolved.

    I installed the filters yesterday and the SL40 was quiet versus unusable without the filters. The filters did cause a boot problem to significantly worsen. I had previously discovered that the Skyview would occasionally lock on startup with the master switch, if the backup battery was not...