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  1. B

    Garmin GNC 215 compatibility?

    I emailed the G3 Expert at Garmin for Experimental aircraft support and was given the installation manual. I can email you a copy if you want. I've had the GNC 215 installed in the panel now for about 8 months and it is working fine. I get the green VOR navigation lines on the CDI, and the...
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    Skyview Wish List

    I would love the option to see both Fahrenheit and Celsius OAT displayed together instead of one or the other.
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    I sent you an email.

    I sent you an email.
  4. B

    AOA calibration warning

    I did update to 16.7 and the issue seems to have gone away. I've done at least 4 flights with the updated software and haven't had any "Caution" warnings. I have not gone into the settings and changed anything back after making a couple of changes as requested by Dynon.
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    Garmin GNC 215 compatibility?

    I have a lack of panel space for an audio panel. I'd love to have a remote audio panel, but Dynon Skyview lacks support for them.
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    Garmin GNC 215 compatibility?

    FYI. I now have the GNC 215 installation manual from Garmin. It looks like the GNC 215 can be configured to communicate to the GPS 175 via the HSDB (aka, ethernet) connection. The GPS 175 then connects to the SV-ARINC-429 RX1/TX1 A/B and also uses an RS232 RX serial connection. The GNC 215 can...
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    Garmin GNC 215 compatibility?

    A couple of questions. I want to expand my all Dynon Skyview panel (RV-9A) to have IFR capabilities. Originally I was thinking to just add a Garmin GPS 175. I already have dual screens, dual ADAHRS, heated pitot, etc. After lots of discussions with my CFII friends, I think they are wise in me...
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    AOA calibration warning

    I was given the link to download a release candidate to test a possible fix. I installed the update today, then went out to fly around a bit to warm up my engine oil (fresh from an oil change). Again, taxiing out I would get the audio "Caution" warning. This happened multiple times as I was...
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    AOA calibration warning

    Let me know where to send them! Flew yesterday and today. Same thing happens. I did a fast taxi and the caution warning audio happened multiple times. It has consistently happened just as I am accelerating for take off.
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    Database expired warning 1 day early

    I've seen this also. I just assumed it was aligned with UTC and I'm 8 hours behind.
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    AOA calibration warning

    Pitot tube is outside of the last inspection port on the wing. Always been there and never had any issues.
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    What does "allow unit to warm for 30 minutes" mean?

    I noticed this message also. The screen menu says 30 minutes, but the manual page says at least 5 minutes for warm up.
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    AOA calibration warning

    Following up after the holidays. I did the zero pressure calibration in my hangar. I did not warm up the electronics for 30 minutes, but I did fly the airplane earlier that day. The installation manual says to warm up it up for at least 5 minutes. Here is a screen capture of the menu. After...
  14. B

    Update Version 16 and (PDA360EX-R ) Remote Audio Panel

    Any chances this will be supported this year (2024)? Now going on 4+years since AFS implemented this feature.
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    AOA calibration warning

    I was just responding to the other post asking about the inhibit speed being set. It does seem very random, so vibration might be a consideration, but it only happens on the ground. The ADAHRS is secure, and I have both the primary and secondary ADAHRS in the system. Other than the SV network...
  16. B

    AOA calibration warning

    I flew the airplane again today, and the problem is still happening. The AOA calibrations have been done. I did slow flight with every flap position and confirmed that the AOA begins alerting at different airspeeds corresponding to the flap setting. The AOA display on the EFIS shows that I'm...
  17. B

    "caution message" : knob panel off line

    I was having this issue. I think it was suggested in another thread to take the knob panel off line, reconfig the network, then put it online and reconfig it back into the SV network. After that it has been consistently online.
  18. B

    AOA calibration warning

    I updated my Skyview Classic and Touch screens to 16.6. After reviewing the release notes I decided to go recalibrate the AOA now that it supports multiple flap positions. I go up, do stalls at 0, 10, 20 and 30 degrees of flaps (RV-9A). All seems to be set up fine. The next day I went flying...
  19. B

    ADSB "OK" and WX Radar/NEXRAD

    I have been seeing similar issues lately. I used to consistently see ADS-B OK, and lots of traffic (SoCal area). In the past year it seems as though now in the same areas I only see TIS OK. Yesterday I flew up to Corona for an Aircraft Spruce will call pickup. Along the way I hardly saw any...
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    Intermittent Knob Panel Offline

    Very strange. My issue happens just on power up. The Knob Panel is 99% of the time found and is online. I haven't found anything in my power on and startup process (master on, avionics on, autopilot on) that can reliably trigger it to go offline.