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  1. V

    DSAB dimming problem?

    OK... the d100 dims normally. Looks like it has 5 stages from bright to full dim. I had the plane in a darkened hangar and took a small flashlight to HS34 and it did its thing automatically. :)
  2. V

    DSAB dimming problem?

    Thanks...I do have an HS 34 and i will look for the dimmer hole when I get back out to the hangar, and look at the dimming value too..... Right now Im on the road for 3 more days. I also havent loaded in the -5 upgrade yet...
  3. V

    DSAB dimming problem?

    I have a dimming problem that is somewhat different. I have the D100 with the extra bright option. Using the instructions, I set it to the auto dimming for the extra bright display that I have. Problem is its always in the dim mode when its in the sun and it should be bright... any...
  4. V

    Next release date

    Could you give a brief synopsis of what we can expect with the nov update........ just hit the major highlights  plz My newly finished cozy III panel... I built the plane and first flt was 23 yrs ago.... it took a year for me to make and complete this new panel.
  5. V

    Airspeed reads low...

    Thanks Dynon for the answer on SUNDAY of all things.... Found the culprit. The stdby airspeed indicator was in MPH. The Dynon was in knots. The pressure line from the pitot feeds the stdby first and it was fine. But the line then goes on to the Dynon and it had a very tiny slit in the end...
  6. V

    Airspeed reads low...

    Well... you could be right. I set the dynon with kts during the initial setting but have not checked it again to see if it has reverted. However if is not in knots, the airspeed difference would be worse. I will do that tomorrow.. and will ck the stdby a/s indicator to make sure its in...
  7. V

    Airspeed reads low...

    Just got the d100 going and the a/s reads consistantly low. I have a standby a/s and it reads correctly. they are hooked to the same lines. There are no leaks in the Dynon lines.... Transponder encoding altitude on the same static line reads correctly... example; dynon spare indicator 60kt...
  8. V

    D100 2/3 display

    Thanks! Ill ck that tomorrow....... by the way, since you did so well on that one, do you know the nav output type from the Garmin 430 is? They give you a choice of nema, aviation, airinc etc. Or does it auto recognize and display the CDI and nav data? As you might of figured out, Im...
  9. V

    D100 2/3 display

    Is there a way to make the D100 display the 2/3 1/3 screen when initially booted up without having to push that last R/H button 4 times? I like having the compass rose and CDI on that last 1/3 screen and all the associated data.
  10. V

    autopilot connection to the HS34

    Thanks tim......... I will contact DL I actually have a na aid now but its on its last legs... am going to get a trio and had steinair send the wires for it. So it wont need anything right away. All the wires are plugged in except for those two. send me you email address and I will send you...
  11. V

    autopilot connection to the HS34

    I had Steinair make my harness... they show the two auto pilot wires coming out of the Garmin 430 going to pin 11 and 23 into the HS 34. These pins are already taken. the pins on the wires they supplied are male. I have the D100 only with the HS34 and Trio autopilot. Suggestions on what...
  12. V

    Moving Map

    I see your pics show the new units in the horizontal mode... will we be able to have them in the VERTICAL mode??? that is the whole box installed vertical ??? Most maps work better in that mode since we are covering so much ground so quick.
  13. V

    cover box clearances

    Could you tell me how much clearance on the d-100 there is between the box cover (the one on the unit and not the dust cover) and whatever components you have inside the cover. This would specifically be aimed at the upper left corner of the unit looking at the display.