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  1. J

    SYSEVENT 20, HDX screen shut down during instrument approach

    Ken, it's true that black swan events happen and it's good to be prepared. Your philosophy is sound of course, but in the context of this thread it probably suffices to just reiterate "be careful out there". I am in contact with Dynon tech support, who very promptly addressed my issue. Their...
  2. J

    SYSEVENT 20, HDX screen shut down during instrument approach

    Last week I was flying an instrument approach in actual IMC conditions when my HDX screen suddenly shut down! No warning indications led up to this. It just power cycled and went black at absolutely the worst possible time in a flight. There I was in the clouds and my screen went black. I...
  3. J

    Skyview screen garbled and unreadable on startup

    Dynon Support: I'm away from the airplane on a trip at the moment, but here are answers to some of your questions: 1) Firmware: don't know until I get back to the hangar. Screens were purchased from Stein around May 2012 if that helps. 2) I have not tried unplugging the battery. 3) Yes, one...
  4. J

    Skyview screen garbled and unreadable on startup

    aerofurb: My reasons for posting--and waiting for responses--is to benefit all Skyview users. Public questions and answers are useful to us all. Your point regarding expediency and the use of direct email is of course valid, but I'm trying to achieve the "greater good". Thanks.
  5. J

    Skyview screen garbled and unreadable on startup

    Dynon support, please respond to this thread. My screen is still doing this every time I start up, and the backup battery checks good.
  6. J

    Skyview screen garbled and unreadable on startup

    My displays are 18 months old, and they did not require a replacement due to the recent Service Bulletin. I did backup battery tests on my displays about 3 months ago, and everything was fine. I fly about twice a week, so I don't think the backup batteries would have time to discharge. I fly...
  7. J

    Skyview screen garbled and unreadable on startup

    My Skyview 7" screen starts up with a black screen, no text, and multi-colored thin vertical lines all across the screen that do not go away until I recycle power. After restarting, the screen is usable again. This has happened the last two times I've gone out to fly. Luckily the screen always...
  8. J

    Log File Questions.

    Okay, thanks for looking into this. Nope, I'm not making any EMS changes. It will be nice when you guys kill this bug, as my log files are coming up in Savvy Analysis--sometimes, not always--with part of the flight cut off from the start or end of the flight. Savvy is dumping some of the data...
  9. J

    Log File Questions.

    Me too! Same issue here. When I upload them to Savvy Analysis (Mike Busch's site), most of them come up as "no flight data." What gives?
  10. J

    Oct 16 database update?

    I have a request. Is it possible to get the nav database updates more than 1 day (or 0 days) prior to the expiration of the previous database? This is the second time that I'll be out on a cross country during a database rollover and will be flying with an out of date database since it's getting...
  11. J

    Best glide AOA

    Folks, I think there's an important point being missed here. When you are flying at V-L/Dmax, the airspeed is so high and the AOA so low that you will just get a "full" green AOA indication on the Skyview. As I stated above, there most likely isn't enough resolution on our AOA indicator to be...
  12. J

    Best glide AOA

    So I've been thinking about our AOA indicator on the Skyview. It occurred to me today that it's really useful as an indicator of approach to critical AOA (ie: stall). But it seems to lack the resolution needed to be useful as an indicator of your actual angle of attack, measured in degrees...
  13. J

    Best glide AOA

    Okay, one more trick and then I need to go to bed. :) An easy way to calculate V-L/Dmax without doing any math is to just use the nm/gal calculation that our Skyviews already do. Assuming no wind, play with the power until you achieve a stabilized maximum nm/gal value. This is the V-L/Dmax for...
  14. J

    Best glide AOA

    Oh, and here's another one for you. Optimum fuel flow or Optimum Cruising Speed (also known as "Carson's Speed"). This is V-L/Dmax times 1.316.
  15. J

    Best glide AOA

    Here's another tidbit for everybody. Once you find your L/D max (which is also best glide and max range), you can also calculate the airspeed for minimum power required (also known as max endurance speed). This is .76 x L/D max.
  16. J

    Best glide AOA

    Jimmie: I don't think I'm seeing what you're referring to on 15-10 and 15-11 of the Skyview 7.0 installation guide. That section only talks about pressure check and calibration of the AOA system. I don't see anything discussing AOA as it relates to best glide speed. Please elaborate. Thanks.
  17. J

    Best glide AOA

    The AOA indicator only reads the angle of attack. It cannot tell you anything about the lift curve or drag curve of your particular airfoil. You will need to do your own flight testing to calculate the L/D max airspeed for a given weight. Then go fly the airplane (at the calculated weight). Fly...
  18. J

    Best glide AOA

    Here's a good "Test Pilot" article from the EAA archives that will help with the concept of best glide AOA (also known as L/D max):
  19. J

    ADS-B WX - what's next?

    Winds aloft would be a huge benefit. I fly lots of cross country with mine and could really use updated winds data during my trips. Dynon, thank you for considering this--sooner the better. :)
  20. J

    Fine-tuning AOA

    Guys, I'm perfectly satisfied with how Dynon has set up their AOA. Remember, an AOA indicator is an approach to stall indicator, *not* a stall indicator. The beeping from the AOA indicator is telling you that you are approaching the critical angle of attack and that you should do something about...