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  1. D

    AutoPilot Settings For LPV Approach

    Can someone please give me some advice on fine tuning the lateral guidance of the autopilot when doing a RNAV approach? Has someone made their own inflight tuning guide like the existing flow chart that they would be willing to share??? So my lateral nav works really well in cruise however...
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    SkyView Autopilot In-Flight Tuning Guide Still Dated 2017

    I logged onto the manuals downloads portal and I was super happy to see that the Installation Manuals and the Pilots User Guides were updated to 16.3.2 so with my heart skipping beats I immediately rushed to the Autopilot Inflight Tuning Guide to download the most recent revision that...
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    Own Ship Called Out As Traffic...and..."No ADS-B-GPS Lost"

    Thanks Carl and Bill for the information. When I get to the airplane I will look to see what GPS is providing the system. I do know that Dynon Tech Support had me setup the GTN as the GPS source for some reason and I think that it had to do with the ADS-B certification.
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    Own Ship Called Out As Traffic...and..."No ADS-B-GPS Lost"

    >I suspect your ADS-b GPS position is coming from the GTN-650, not the SkyView 250 receiver (the 250 does not meet the ADS-b out criteria). Carl, Thanks for your help. Yes the configuration is such that the GPS input to my Dynon system is the GTN-650. >As such your SkyView getting GPS...
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    SkyView Autopilot In-Flight Tuning Guide Still Dated 2017

    Can Dynon PLEASE update the Autopilot Tuning Guide to V16? There are a number of new settings that are not discussed. Yes Don was nice enough to provide the expanded features definition however I still do not understand the definitions. EXAMPLE: "G ERROR LIMIT: Clips output of applying G...
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    Autopilot Rolls Into Turns Like A Fighter Pilot

    Hi Dynon Tech Support, Any update on this issue? I am glad that it is not just me...
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    Autopilot Rolls Into Turns Like A Fighter Pilot

    I uploaded the diagnostic files as well
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    Autopilot Rolls Into Turns Like A Fighter Pilot

    Don Jones said > I have not heard of anything that changed with regards to auto pilot in V16.2.4, but I will look into it. I will report back if I learn anything. Don did you happen to come up with anything? With my system I had not changed anything regarding any system parameters except...
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    Foreflight /GTN 650 X Skyview = Flight Stream???

    I have ForeFlight and I am super happy with it. I have a Dynon Skyview and I'm super happy with it. I have a Garmin gtn 650 and I am just barely okay with it. With Skyview and ForeFlight I can easily zap flight plans up and down from the iPad to /from the Skyview and this is super easy...
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    ForeFlight not talking to SkyView

    I had the same problem... this fixed it
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    Does SkyView FD Work On The Ground?

    Don... That would be a helpful feature... set up everything in the run up pad, roll down the runway and fly the FD guidance along the route /vertical path would great for situational awareness. As always Don... I am greatly appreciative of your help.
  12. D

    AutoPilot Settings For LPV Approach

    Can someone please let me know what setting I should change in the autopilot so that the system will fly the laterail guidance better on a GPS approach? I have read this post: The information privided about the new settings...
  13. D

    Does SkyView FD Work On The Ground?

    I would have thought that...IF...when sitting on the ground in the runup area I programmed in a route with the first fix off the end of the runway into the map, then pressed FD + VS +800 and NAV that the command bars would provide a nose up climb and a left/right wings guidance to fly to the...
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    I am reading the SV Pilot User Guide about VNAV and it is not easy to understand so hopefully I can get some help. I also looked for a video on the subject and no joy. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated How do I setup the SV VNAV system when I want to... -Enter a number of fixes on...
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    Autopilot Rolls Into Turns Like A Fighter Pilot

    Well it seems that we are on the right track. I looked a the revision list in the V 16.2.4 list and it says nothing about any autopilot related "fixes". The revision did list "Updated:SkyView Magnetic Model updated for 2020" but I would think that would not affect the flight director...
  16. D

    GTN-650 and VNAV and Dynon

    Greetings, There are a lot of super smart pilots with lots of GTN experience on this forum so I am sure I came to the right place for this question... I have the Dynon SkyView SV-1000 EFIS and a Garmin GTN-650 that I am just now learning how to integrate together. At my home airport there is...
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    Autopilot Rolls Into Turns Like A Fighter Pilot

    >To the OP: What software version are you running? By any chance is it v16.2.4 or something earlier? The reason I ask is that I ran v16.2.4 for 5 flights. I thought that the AP roll responsiveness was faster/sharper than I thought it had been when I was running v16.0.4 (I never upgraded to...
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    Autopilot Rolls Into Turns Like A Fighter Pilot

    Thanks everybody for your replies always grateful for the education and experience on this forum. Originally the roll gain was 10 and on that flight I reduced it to 0.5 and did not notice a significant difference. The airplane was only flying at 135 KIAS and normally it would fly at 190 KIAS...
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    Dynon SV + GTN-65- + TOGA = ???

    Can other pilots who have both the SV and GTN please provide some guidance/ experience/ insight as to what I should see when setting up and flying a VNAV approach? THANKS!!!