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  1. J


    I agree 100% that the A/S and ALT numbers on my D-10A are too small. I find myself always referencing the steam gauges in my Yak rather than the EFIS display even though I fly a 737NG at work. It really would be a HUGE improvement to an otherwise outstanding product to use something...
  2. J

    HSI on EFIS Screen

    Here is another diagram of the Boeing IFSD.
  3. J

    HSI on EFIS Screen

    This isn't the best picture but all I had was my cell phone camera at the time. This is the Boeing Integrated Flight Standby Display. Although this is a standby instrument, it is basically the same size as the D-10A. (its actually a bit smaller) I think the layout is much more user friendly...
  4. J

    Digital airspeed and altitude blocks

    The problem is I definitely prefer the "Modern" layout since it is very similar to the display in the Boeing I also fly. The digital portion is just too small. Initially I thought I would be able to adapt to the small size of the numbers but I still find myself constantly referencing my backup...
  5. J

    Digital airspeed and altitude blocks

    Would anyone else like to see larger airspeed and altitude digital readouts on the D-10A? I really like the new display layout but the numbers are just too small for quick reference. I'd like to see something close in size to the numbers that Dynon used on the original screen layout. If...
  6. J

    Any reason to upgrade standalone D10A?

    I'd like to see a response to this question also. Thanks.
  7. J

    Wind Vector on HSI w/o OAT Probe

    Or how about just changing the color of the wind vector or putting an "E" (for estimated) in front of the winds, i.e. E270/14?
  8. J

    discovering bug values / setting bug values

    Speaking of the bugs, how about a way to delete or reset all of the bug settings with a single button push? It would really simplify things.
  9. J

    D-10A AS and ALT displays

    Does anyone else feel the D-10A airspeed and altitude windows could be a bit larger? The new format is fantastic, it is just a bit hard on the old eyes. 8-)
  10. J

    Wind Vector on HSI w/o OAT Probe

    Count me in also. I've already got two OAT gauges in my Yak and I'm not going to add another one. If manually entered OAT is good enough for the D-10A to calculate TAS and DALT, why not a wind calculation? I would get the same erroneous winds on my E6B if I used the wrong OAT. :'(
  11. J

    Trend Vectors

    Bill, While I can't say I have flown all the aircraft you list, I have jumpseated on all of them and seen the differences between them. As different as some of the presentations are, the color standard seems to be a common thread. I also seem to recall that a protocol that was being floated...
  12. J

    Trend Vectors

    And thank you again for a great product. Keep up the good work. Regards, Ray
  13. J

    Trend Vectors

    Hey cool your jets Mr. 6RV. I was merely making an observation. I didn't state that this was an established standard, look up the definition of de facto before you start going off. I also didn't state that Dynon had an unprofessional product. I stated it would make their great product even...
  14. J

    Trend Vectors

    Dear Dynon, While looking at your new and improved D-10A display, something jumped out at me that you might consider revisiting. In the airline and military EFIS world, the de facto standard for anything magenta on the EFIS display is something "desired", i.e. desired track, desired airspeed...
  15. J

    New expansion module

    The light sensor sounds like a great idea until you start considering things like tandem cockpits and alternative locations for mounting the HS34 (like the side console or an area with generally completely different lighting conditions than the instrument panel). Will this feature be able to be...
  16. J

    OK Sun-N-Fun Underway, what's new

    Very nice job folks. The new EFIS display is now almost a virtual equivalent of the Boeing NG PFD. Keep up the good work! (Now if you could only make my Apollo GPS360 drive that HSI display........) 8-)
  17. J

    VSI Display

    Jimbo, To answer your question, sometimes as many as 4-5 per month. Many times down to ILS mins. Never had any problems. Maybe you could use a little more training if you are having difficulties. :)
  18. J

    VSI Display

    Marc, No slam intended. I'm simply stating fact, the new generation of avionics don't use analog presentations for vertical speed. I have a D-10A in my Yak and I have absolutely no want or need for anything other than a digital VSI readout. No matter what the presentation format, you are...
  19. J

    VSI Display

    I really don't see that this is a big problem at all. Neither the F-18 or the B-737NG has an analog VSI and I can assure you that it isn't necessary for smooth instrument flying in either aircraft. Anyone that says so needs to work on their instrument scan and learn the proper pitch/power...