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  1. 22541278j

    VNAV airport/runway combination

    Dear Sirs: I have a SV with AP servos, knob panel, and AP panel. I want to do a approach to a airport and a specific runway with the two possibilities that VNAV menú offers. I have created a flyplan with the last waypoint the runway and the previous a waypoint of the airport. The flyplan...
  2. 22541278j

    Esqual VM-1

    Esqual VM-1
  3. 22541278j

    Garmin 296

    Dear Sirs I have a SV 1000 installed in my ULM. I want conect a second GPS like auxiliar. The GPS is a Garmin 296. I have connected it to Serial Port 1 TX and RX with Autopilot/NMEA device Data out 2 and Data in 2 wires. I have configured the SV 1000 serie port 1 with Garmin 296 IN and NOME in...
  4. 22541278j

    Garmin 296

    Dear Sirs I have a SV 1000 installed in my ULM. I want conect a second GPS like auxiliar. The GPS is a Garmin 296. I have connected it to Serial Port 1 TX and RX with Autopilot/NMEA device Data out 2 and Data in 2 wires. I have configured the SV 1000 serie port 1 with Garmin 296 IN and NOME in...
  5. 22541278j

    Serial Port Encoder

    My transponder is only mode C not mode S. Will It work with the encoder serial port especifications of mode S transponder? Thanks
  6. 22541278j

    Serial Port Encoder

    Excuse me, Trig transponder are the SV-XPNDR-261 or SV-XPNDR-262? Thanks Luis
  7. 22541278j

    Serial Port Encoder

    Hello I have a SV-D1000 Classic installed in my ULM. I have a transponder Microair T2000 SFL without encoder. I would like to use some of the serial ports of SV to give the altitude information to the transponder and it run in C mode. I have looked for in the System Instalatión Guide but I did...