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  1. E

    Airspeed after landing

    Hello I have a D180 with firmware v5.0. When i power up the D180 everything is fine, airspeed=0. During flight the airspeed shown by the EFIS is the same as the one shown by my regular airspeed indicator from Winter. After landing with the aircraft no moving i have my airspeed fluctuating from...
  2. E

    5.0 firmware upgrade problems.

    Yes, you are right... I am not gonna be too hard on Dynon but Bill is gonna hear me!!! lol ;)
  3. E

    Calibration, just to be sure...

    Hello, I have to calibrate my EDC-10 and not sure about the values to enter... Does 64° of inclination and 48 of total field seems correct for you??? Thanks a lot PS: I am close to Paris France if it helps...
  4. E

    Tach, Hobbs and Rotax

    Well, I have V5 now and it is perfect... All this pre programmed Rotax thresholds are awesome... Good job!!! :D Eric
  5. E

    5.0 firmware upgrade problems.

    Well, as I said the wires are all fine (not anymore since the EGT went out from the plug while unmounting the unit  >:( ) So, I took the same USB/RS232 cable and bought a laptop with XP and everything worked perfectly... If it is not a driver issue caused by Vista I would love to know what it...
  6. E

    Tach, Hobbs and Rotax

    I am trying to get V5 but it is not working as i would like!!!... see my other posts... Thanks Eric
  7. E

    5.0 firmware upgrade problems.

    Hello, I am using the Dynon wires and have done update before without any problem (XP laptop)... I will check the wires and get back to you Eric
  8. E

    5.0 firmware upgrade problems.

    Hello, I have this yellow screen that doesn't want to get away and my computer doesn't find the D-180... I understood it is a driver problem as I am running Vista on my laptop. So I tried to let Windows find the good driver with internet and it didn't find any, I tried to use the one from the...
  9. E

    Tach, Hobbs and Rotax

    Dans le user manuel du D-180: "When ENGINE TYPE is set to ROTAX (in EMS > SETUP > GLOBAL), only Hobbs time is displayed in the ENGINE TIMERS section; Tach time is not displayed, due to specific manufacturer recommendation."... D'ou ma question... Bons vols
  10. E

    Tach, Hobbs and Rotax

    Bonjour, Dans la page "TIME" du D180 j'ai, en bas de cette derniere, TACH et HOBBS alors que, si on regarde le user manual, je ne devrai avoir que HOBBS etant donné que j'ai selectionné ROTAX comme moteur... Merci pour la prompt reponse... Eric
  11. E

    Tach, Hobbs and Rotax

    Hello, I have a D180 and a Rotax 912 engine. The engine is well selected in the parameters but I have a Tach Time AND a Hobbs Time displayed... If I read well the user manual it shouldn't... Any idea???... Thanks a lot Eric (sorry for my english, I am french...)
  12. E

    Heading adjustment

    It is a D-180 with the remote compass. I am running the latest software version. It started 2 weeks ago and i didn't install anything in the aircraft at this time. Hope it will hemp because i am getting lost with this thing!!! Regards
  13. E

    Heading adjustment

    thanx for the answer I went 2 or 3 times threw the calibration process when i mounted it. It worked fine for +/- 6 months and now acts as describe above. Should i recalibrate it again???... Regards
  14. E

    Heading adjustment

    Hello, I have a "problem" with my headings... I set it on the ground to match runway heading using magadj function and then take off. After +/-10mn of flight it is +/-20° out so I re-adjust it and then, +/-10mn of flight after it is again way off!!!... I know the part of installing it away from...
  15. E

    D180 and OAT

    Hello, I have a D180 and use the OAT probe from Dynon. Yesterday it was cold, around -10°C on ground and -15°C at 4500ft but, the OAT was always +10°C!!!... Do you have any idea about what it could be? Thanks a lot Eric
  16. E

    Rotax fuel pressure sensor

    Hello I think my fuel pressure sensor is not working. how can i test it to be sure before buying a new one? With the 2 wires connected: Engine running it reads 0 Engine running and electric fuel pump ON it reads 0 Engine OFF it reads 0 Engine OFF and electric fuel pump ON it reads 0 With only...
  17. E

    New Display update...

    Great news!!!... Do you have a mailing list that we can join to get informed of the future release? Regards
  18. E

    Fuel sender / Internal battery

    Hello, First off all i would like to install a fuel sender and would like to know if this one would be good: It will be installed like that: Also, my internal battery goes from fully loaded to low in just one week staying in...
  19. E

    Heading calibration

    Well, you were right... The guy who mounted the D180 told me that he was sure it was the right way, i spent one our to get to the place it is fix and found it pointing the other way!!!... Now it is working properly... Thanks for the help
  20. E

    Rotax 912 EGT

    Hello, I have been flying for a few hours and realized that my EGT where around 700°C... I decided to see what could be the reason and found out that the guy who installed the probe putted them in the 2 front cylinder, can it be the reason?... Regards