Search results

  1. VtailPilot

    Dynon Skyview HDX - For Sale

    Ok, for those that keep messaging me or posting in here. I just gave it all away today when my G3X for my experimental showed up last night.
  2. VtailPilot

    Dynon Skyview HDX - For Sale

    Ultimately I pulled it from the panel, everything got switched to Garmin. I have all the Dynon crap in a box and it looks like I'll be dropping it into my experimental cub unless my other order of G3X stuff comes in before I'm ready to wire up the panel next month. If it does, I'll just put the...
  3. VtailPilot

    Dynon Skyview HDX - For Sale

    Annnnnd now I see there is a classified section 🙄
  4. VtailPilot

    Dynon Skyview HDX - For Sale

    Hey all, I'm pulling the Skyview HDX out of my bonanza. Been waiting 3 years for the approval of the autopilot, never happened. So I just bought the entire G3X package because the GFC500 is approved. Anywho, I'm toying with selling the 10" HDX, Com panel, EMS for a 6cyl, etc. Just gauging...
  5. VtailPilot

    Skyview HDX in a VTail

    I pulled my entire Skyview HDX and went Garmin. I'm sick of being lied to about the autopilot.
  6. VtailPilot

    Skyview HDX in a VTail

    Just got back in the group. We got this all done, wrapped up used McPeck's panel. I've got about 180 hours on the setup now.
  7. VtailPilot

    Skyview HDX in a VTail

    Hey all, Just finishing up the install in my '53 bonanza. Should be up and flying this week. This was a huge undertaking and we ended up essentially re-wiring the entire plane, removing the old windscreen to replace with a speedslope, replacing the panel (which was structural), and then...