2 independant Fuel flow sensors


New Member
Oct 9, 2019
I would like to install 2 independant fuel flow sensors, one on each tank pipe
The idea is to check the fuel consummed on each tank.
I know that I have to modify the config file...

But :
is it possible to display :
- total fuel consummed
- fuel consumed for tank 1, for tank 2
- fuel remaining in tank 1, in tank 2

Eric, Skyview SE10''


Active Member
Jun 15, 2008
Brisbane, Qld. Australia
Even if you can, why? Do you have level sensors in each tank? On most aircraft they are very good, and what you need to know is total remaining.

If you are doing a long range mission, run the tanks down in 20 or 30L increments using the fuel timer (by volume not time) and then when say you have 45L (12USG) in each tank, burn out one tank and finish the flight with all remaining fuel on board in the one place.

This was SOP for airlines running the big piston transports. It is a very wise way to manage fuel. CAUTIONARY NOTE: some aircraft with weird fuel systems or some high wing planes may not be suitable for this. So know your systems.

So in short....why waste the money on a pointless (as far as I can see) addition of cost, complexity weight and more joints to leak!

Hope that helps.


New Member
Oct 9, 2019
You analysis is correct, if your plane has tanks level sensors with good accuracy.. It is not my case. The accuracy is very bad and changing the tank level sensors is too complicated.
So the idea to manage the fuel consumption by using flow is a good alternative.

I just want to validate that it is possible with the Skyview SE to display the fuel consumed for each sensor (= for each tank)

Can anyone confirm?


Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
Yes, you can display 4 tanks worth of fuel information, but they won't be combined. IE, you'll have 4 individual fuel tanks. The fuel computer, though, is way the other way - it only does total fuel state of the airplane, and doesn't know anything about each of the tanks.