2006 Oshkosh Announcements


New Member
Jul 26, 2006
If you own a D180:
Hook the SL 30 unit to pin 22 on the EFIS (vertical D-25) and the GPS to pin 19 on the D-37. You can display either source on the HSI with the "NAVSRC" button. You'll need to disconnect the SL 30 from the EFIS when doing software updates.

RE: the above...

Does this mean that if you have both a GPS and an SL30 connected to a 180, you can change which nav source is displayed on the HSI via: a control on the 180 instead of using an external switch?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Yes, a 180 can switch between a SL30 and a GPS with one of the buttons on the front of the D180. You can also switch on the D100 in your plane if you have a D100 hooked to your D180.

You can also do this on a D100 or D10A if you also have an EMS in the system. The EMS can only "see" the GPS, but the EFIS can see both streams.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Do you have guidelines yet on how to wire for flap position and fuel pump ON so long?

I would assume Fuel pump can go to pin 9 or 10 on the EMS, but don't have an idea for flap position.

I assume you want the fuel pump as a "contact" input? The contacts are active in the current firmware, so you can use this now. You are correct, these go into pin 9 or 10, but what you need to put into these inputs is a signal that goes to ground at some point. If your fuel pump switch controls the positive side of the circuit, this may not work. It will depend on how much resistance the fuel pump has to ground when it's not running. No harm in hooking the wire to the switched side of the circuit and seeing if it works, but you may need to add a small relay to get it to read the way you want.

As for trim and flaps, these go into the GP inputs, pins 4, 22, and 23. These inputs work from 0-5V, so you can't hook to a 0-12V signal. Most trim and flap systems have three wires coming out of them- Ground, V+, and signal. The best solution here is to hook V+ to the 5V out of the EMS (pin 18) and then hook the signal line into one of your GP inputs. This should give you a good 0-5V signal.

Both the trim and contact inputs are calibrated for your airplane, so it doesn't matter if the signal goes up or down as you move the trim or if it's ground or 12V when the fuel pump is on. All of this is configurable in the EMS setup.


New Member
Jul 31, 2006
Can the "new & improved" D100 be connected to both an SL30 and a GPS to get all the features listed?
(Assuming that either the EMS D10 or EMS D120 are also connected to the system.)

I am strongly considering the EFIS D100 + EMS D10 + SL30 + 300XLGPS. The new features Dynon has announced will be like "icing on the cake". Am I right by saying that I can now dispense with the CDI and get the same info on the EFIS??




Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
I'm not sure what you mean. Any shipping EFIS product (D100, D10A, D180) can be hooked to a GPS or an SL30 to show an HSI and winds. Any EMS (D10, D120, D180) can be hooked to a GPS to get the various economy figures once we release the firmware.

There really isn't a "new and improved" D100- the D100 has only one revision and all the improvments to it are free firmware updates.

The EFIS will be able to do anything a mechanical CDI could given the setup you just described.


New Member
Jul 31, 2006
You answered my question, sir. :)

I've been following Dynon's progress since the first D10. "New & improved" was probably a confusing phrase I shouldn't have used. :-X
You folks are doing a super job! Keep up the good work.



New Member
Feb 4, 2006
Paris (FRANCE)
Dear Dynonsupport

Winds Aloft with Cross Wind Info

      With a GPS connection, the HSI screen will also show you real-time winds, including a relative wind arrow and an absolute display of wind direction and velocity. We also display the crosswind component of the wind vector so you can glance at the EFIS on final and see if you're comfortable with the crosswind.

I have two questions about this :
1- Do you do your calculation with the TAS or the IAS . I hope it's with the TAS  :)( what happen if there is no OAT entered or measured ?)
2- Do you plan to include those informations in the data feed ( for those who do datalogging ) . Redirect data from the GPS should be also convenient as it allows only one data source instead of two .




Oct 24, 2005
I'm an early purchaser of the EFIS D-10.  It isn't clear exactly what upgrades (HSI?) are available for this unit.  Could you elaborate?  Thanks!

Mitch Garner


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
There are no updates for the EFIS-D10 except to make it a D10A. We are completely out of memory on the D10 and can't add any features. You can upgrade the D10 to a D10A for $350 and then get everything we have been discussing.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005

We do winds with TAS. It's the only way. We require you to have an OAT connected to show winds. It's not displayed if you don't have an OAT.

We haven't changed the datalog output in years and don't plan to at this time. Changing this causes incompatibilities with things that have been designed to read our stream, so we tray and leave it alone as much as possible.


New Member
Nov 14, 2005
Ottawa, Canada
We haven't changed the datalog output in years and don't plan to at this time. Changing this causes incompatibilities with things that have been designed to read our stream, so we tray and leave it alone as much as possible.
What about the possibility of multiple, selectable datalog formats?  The default would be the original format.  But, the unit could be configured to one or more other datalog formats, with the other formats supporting the functions that were not available when the datalog format was first designed.

If the datalog format ever changes, I would love to get an extra digit resolution in the vertical g in the datalog.  I'll be recording EFIS data during the flight test program, and the extra digit resolution would help when correcting various performance parametres for load factor.  A user selectable data rate would also be nice, as 64 Hz is really much more data than is really necessary.


New Member
Aug 4, 2006
A general question . . . . . . . will you be making available an image of the HSI for D10A & D100 soon. Am very courious as to how it will look.


New Member
Nov 8, 2005
dynonsupport sez... "You may end up just scrolling through protocols on your GPS until the EFIS likes what it sees. "

How will I know when the Dynon is pleased? I have hooked up my Garmin GNS430 with the D100 (Pin 22 on the D100) and the protocol is set to NMEA 0183, what am I supposed to see? There is nothing on the compass card display (OBS or HSI like) except the card itself.

Thanks for the great service.



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005

As it says in the first post:

"Firmware Updates (FREE, downloadable around September 1st)"

The HSI isn't out yet. We're starting our beta testing right now, and it will probably be about a month before we post it on our site for download. When we do that, you'll need to download it to your EFIS in order to get the new features. The software you have now is our previous release that added the DG screen, but doesn't have the HSI overlay or other GPS features yet.

As for pleasing your Dynon, they need to be taken out relativley often to stay happy. A hundred dollar hamburger each weekend is pretty much the minimum. They really thrive when you take them out every few days and really play with them. They know a lot of tricks and are thrilled when you ask them to perform for you. A roll, a hammerhead, a loop, or just your basic 4G 180 degree turn in an overhead pattern are all things that will keep your Dynon happy and healthy for years to come. Don't forget to exercise the AoA as well. Some slow flight will really make that thing sing, while a fast , low pass will keep it calm and relaxed while it streches its legs.


New Member
Jul 31, 2006

I'm sorta' new at this avionics stuff & all the different signals that equipment sends/uses...

I finally saw it stated in plain terms (in another forum) that the Garmin 430 does not provide the appropriate signal to the D100 to get verticle guidance, ie. glide slope. You stated in the VAF forum that "We support the GPS serial output from the 430/530, but not the ARINC 429 (yet)."
Does "yet" mean it's coming? What are the chances that the D100 will be able to get vertical guidance from a GNS430 in the near future? I'm at a decision point in my project and will definitely be using a D100 & D120. I just need to get the GPS/NAV stuff nailed down .



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005

You are correct- the only way to get vertical guidance from the 430 is via ARINC 429 or the ARINC analog resolver. We only have a RS-232 serial interface today. We do hope to have an ARINC analog and/or digital interface in the future, but we don't have a timeframe right now.

We hope that when we get to it, the ARINC stuff will be retrofittable to our system, and that it would let you talk to just about anything that gives vertical guidance. We don't want anyone to buy based on that though since we're not making any promises on when it will be out, so you'll need to decide if you can wait for it or if you need to design a system that works today.


New Member
Feb 21, 2006
FASY,Johannesburg,South Africa

As for pleasing your Dynon, they need to be taken out relativley often to stay happy. A hundred dollar hamburger each weekend is pretty much the minimum. They really thrive when you take them out every few days and really play with them. They know a lot of tricks and are thrilled when you ask them to perform for you. A roll, a hammerhead, a loop, or just your basic 4G 180 degree turn in an overhead pattern are all things that will keep your Dynon happy and healthy for years to come. Don't forget to exercise the AoA as well. Some slow flight will really make that thing sing, while a fast , low pass will keep it calm and relaxed while it streches its legs.

Brilliant!!! ;D

Out of interest, I would like to use the functionality offered by hooking the SL30up to the Efis by simulating the serial output of the SL30... Do you guys know where I can get specs on the interface (i.e. the output of the SL30)? I've tried googling, but without much luck :-/


South Africa


New Member
Apr 22, 2006
Milano, Italy
Out of interest, I would like to use the functionality offered by hooking the SL30up to the Efis by simulating the serial output of the SL30... Do you guys know where I can get specs on the interface (i.e. the output of the SL30)? I've tried googling, but without much luck :-/

the SL30 install manual can be found here:


The serial messages are document in Appendix E, page 59 of the manual.

Happy reading!

Ciao, Luca