ADAHRS Redundancy


New Member
Aug 16, 2007
The web page inadequately explains how the SV-ADAHRS-201 is dependent on the SV-ADAHRS-200.

It sounds like the two are pretty much identical, except that the 201 does a software check for the 200 and refuses to operate unless one is found. Like software piracy schemes of years past, this sounds problematic if true redundancy is desired.

Perhaps an explanation of safeguards ensuring the 201 really continues working for 30 flight hours after the failure of the 200 will be helpful.

Or would we be safer buying two 200s ?


Jeff Page
Dream Aircraft Tundra #10


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
You are basically correct- you have to have had a 200 in the system within the last X flight hours for the 201 to work. It won't strand you in the air or on the ground if the 200 fails. It will also not ever stop working in flight. That would be a bit pointless!

Besides the requirement for a 200 to have been in the system, the 201 is identical to the 200.


New Member
Oct 1, 2009
Victoria, Australia
I've just been having a read of the recently released Skyview documentation and additional web information and also have a few questions about ADAHRS functionality within a Skyview System.

1/ Can you explain the thinking behind two different ADAHRS models. The 30hr limit criteria seems a little pointless (must be a good reason).

2/ If in my dual -200/-201 system the -200 fails and I remove for repair, can I still fly on the remaining ADAHRS within this 30hr limit while waiting for my -200 to be repaired? How long would repair take?

3/ Can I fit two or more -200 units, or is only one -200 with multiple -201's allowed in a system.

4/ Will the ARINC modules also be structured this way (master/slave)?

Love the demo video. keep up the good work. :)


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The whole point of the X hour limit is so you can't just buy a 201 and use it forever without ever buying a 200. We're giving you a nice discount on the 201 because we want people to have redundancy, but we have to cover our development costs somehow! (if you aren't aware, the 200 costs $1200 and the 201 costs $800)

As you say, you can fly the 201 for a long time while the 200 gets repaired. Repairs today take about a week, and we hope to speed this up with the new AHRS design.

You can put all 200's in the system if you want, it will just cost more.

ARINC modules will not be priced at a discount for multiples, so there will be no master/slave relationship.


New Member
Oct 1, 2009
Victoria, Australia
Thankyou Dynon.

It did register with me that there was a price difference. I hadn't quite grasped the significance of the difference. That pricing really encourages installation of a backup ADAHRS. Well done, all makes sense now.