Adding a second SV, EMS


I love flying!
Mar 6, 2012
I am considering adding a second SkyView monitor and an engine monitoring module to my RV9. I already have a SV, single ADAHRS, backup battery.

Before I "pull the trigger" and write a check - will someone confirm what I will need.

1. of course the SV with synthetic vision, and the EMS module.
2. an ethernet cable between the two SV monitors.
3. Do I need a network cable between the SV monitors?
4. I understand that I do need a network cable from the EMS to one of the SV monitors.
5. Do I have to buy another $500 map license?
6. Engine sensors etc.
7. Do I need specific cabling between the two SV for the GPS or do both SV receive signals via the Ethernet or network cables?

Am I missing anything?



Active Member
May 7, 2006
I am considering adding a second SkyView monitor and an engine monitoring module to my RV9.  I already have a SV, single ADAHRS, backup battery.

Before I "pull the trigger" and write a check - will someone confirm what I will need.

1.  of course the SV with synthetic vision, and  the EMS module. 
2. an  ethernet cable  between the two SV monitors. -- NO
3. Do I need a network cable between the SV monitors? -- YES
4. I understand that I do need a network cable from the EMS to one of the SV monitors.
5.  Do I have to buy another $500 map license? -- NO
6.  Engine sensors etc.
7.  Do I need specific cabling between the two SV for the GPS or do both SV receive signals via the Ethernet or network cables? --YES*

Am I missing anything?


Point 7. You need to connect the two SV's serial ports, GPS power, dimmer and audio signals together. This is straightforward but painstaking wiring issue, particularly as a modification to an existing installation. These connections allow an automatic reversion in the even of a display failure.

For new installs, this wiring hub simplifies the connections, but not so much for retrofits:

It's too bad that the new HDX system does not duplicate the system connector to facilitate the interconnect of displays... that would have been useful... Note to Dynon.... is it too late?



Active Member
Mar 3, 2008
FWIW you don't absolutely need an Ethernet cable connecting the two displays. But the Ethernet connection is simple and relatively inexpensive to do. With the Ethernet cable you load to one display and it automatically synchronizes files between the two displays. This is how I have my two displays set up and it works great. Without the Ethernet connection you will have to install some of the files independently to each display, which after a while gets real annoying. I don't know any real reason not to do the Ethernet connection if at all possible.

You should connect the SV-GPS to a serial port on each display in parallel, not just to one display.



Feb 11, 2010
Why do you want a second EMS module? I can't think of a reason you would need one in an RV.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
He's not adding a second ems. He's adding a second SkyView screen, and also adding an EMS to the system. He didn't have an EMS before.

Isn't English wonderful?! :)


I love aviation!
Apr 25, 2016
Richmond Hill, GA
I am considering adding a second SkyView monitor and an engine monitoring module to my RV9.  I already have a SV, single ADAHRS, backup battery.

Before I "pull the trigger" and write a check - will someone confirm what I will need.

1.  of course the SV with synthetic vision, and  the EMS module. 
2. an  ethernet cable  between the two SV monitors.
3. Do I need a network cable between the SV monitors?
4. I understand that I do need a network cable from the EMS to one of the SV monitors.
5.  Do I have to buy another $500 map license?
6.  Engine sensors etc.
7.  Do I need specific cabling between the two SV for the GPS or do both SV receive signals via the Ethernet or network cables?

Am I missing anything?


2. I made my own Ethernet cable but might have to re-punch it if it needs to be a cross-over cable (likely).
3. No. Each will need to plug into the Skyview network, though.
4. Correct.
5. No.
6. Purchase the appropriate sensor kit for your engine.
7. Yes. Both units must be wired to the GPS antenna. Typically done by splicing into the wire via soldering.