On recent flights, I gradually came to realise that I always seemed to have a 'headwind' i.e. groundspeed was always lower than IAS. Once alerted, I flew reciprocal tracks to prove. I considered:
- reported groundspeed could be incorrect- Unlikely and, regardless, validated by other GPS devices in cockpit
- static blockage/partial- unlikely as altimeter ok as is VSI
- pitot blockage/partial- again seems to report consistent with aircraft behaviour but unable to confirm accuracy
Yesterday, after parking up by hangar in nil wind, I noticed IAS was showing 15kts. I did a 'Zero pressure IAS calibration' which was successful and I thought that the ADAHRS had had a hiccup and the problem would be down to that and fixed.
Unfortunately, flying again today the problem is still there. I tried disconnecting from the instruments and back-blowing the pitot/static/AoA- only by mouth but no evidence of any blockage/constriction.
Suggestions welcome. Given the issue last night cleared by the calibration, I suspect something awry with the ADAHRS but stumped as to where to go next.
Kit: SV-D1000T, SV-ADAHRS-200, s/w 15.4.7
- reported groundspeed could be incorrect- Unlikely and, regardless, validated by other GPS devices in cockpit
- static blockage/partial- unlikely as altimeter ok as is VSI
- pitot blockage/partial- again seems to report consistent with aircraft behaviour but unable to confirm accuracy
Yesterday, after parking up by hangar in nil wind, I noticed IAS was showing 15kts. I did a 'Zero pressure IAS calibration' which was successful and I thought that the ADAHRS had had a hiccup and the problem would be down to that and fixed.
Unfortunately, flying again today the problem is still there. I tried disconnecting from the instruments and back-blowing the pitot/static/AoA- only by mouth but no evidence of any blockage/constriction.
Suggestions welcome. Given the issue last night cleared by the calibration, I suspect something awry with the ADAHRS but stumped as to where to go next.
Kit: SV-D1000T, SV-ADAHRS-200, s/w 15.4.7